
In: Computer Science

Write minimal code to declare a class Complex that enables operations on complex numbers, and also...

Write minimal code to declare a class Complex that enables operations on complex numbers, and also to overload the multiplication * operator.


Expert Solution


using namespace std;

//complex class
class complex
   float real;
   float img;
   public :

   // constructor
   complex(float r=0,float i=0)
       real = r;
       img = i;

   void display()

   // fucntion to return the real part
   float getReal()
       return real;

   // function to return the imaginary part
   float getImg()
       return img;

   // function to over load the + operator
   complex operator + (const complex &c2)
       complex dummy;
       return dummy;
   // function to overload the - operator
   complex operator - (const complex &c2)
       complex dummy;
       return dummy;

   friend complex operator * (float,complex);  
   friend complex operator * (complex,float);

   //fucntion to overload the * operator for complex multiplication
   complex operator * (const complex &c)
       complex dummy;
       dummy.real = real*c.real - img*c.img;
       dummy.img = c.img*real + c.real*img;
       return dummy;

// complex to overload multiplication by scalar of the form
// x * (a + ib)
complex operator * (float f, complex c)
   complex dummy;
   dummy.real = c.real * f;
   dummy.img *= c.img * f;
   return dummy;

// complex to overload multiplication by scalar of the form
// (a + ib) * x
complex operator * (complex c, float f)
   complex dummy;
   dummy.real = c.real * f;
   dummy.img = c.img * f;
   return dummy;

int main()
   complex t1(1,2),t2(2,3);
   complex t3 = t1*2;

   t3 = t1*t2;

   return 0;

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