
In: Statistics and Probability

In this section you will interpret output that is provided (you do NOT need to run...

In this section you will interpret output that is provided (you do NOT need to run anything for this scenario).

I am interested in testing whether the section of SOC390 that a participant was in (Variable name = Class; 1= Miller, 2 = Field, 3= Smith) influences their exam scores (Variable name = exam_scores). I also think that gender might also influence exam scores (Variable name = Gender; 0 = female, 1 = male). To test this, I conducted a two-way ANOVA. There is a lot of output associated with a two-way ANOVA – we are only going to focus on the output below.

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable:   Hypothetical exam scores (out of 100)


Type III Sum of Squares


Mean Square



Corrected Model
























Class * gender













Corrected Total



a. R Squared = .158 (Adjusted R Squared = .101)

18. What are the two factors in this example? How many levels are on each factor?

[2 points]


19. What is the dependent variable? [2 points]

20. In the output above, there are two main effects and an interaction effect being tested. First: assuming α = .05, what are the conclusions for these tests (significant or not significant)? Second: For each, provide the F statistic including degrees of freedom and p-value. [6 points]

Fclass(__________, ___________) = ________, p =___________             à Significant or not significant? Not significant

Fgender ( ________, _________) = _________, p =________            à Significant or not significant? Significant

FclassXgender(_______,_______) = ­­­­_________, p =        à Significant or not significant? Not significant


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