
In: Computer Science

python Write a function pack_to_5(words) that takes a list of string objects as a parameter and...


Write a function pack_to_5(words) that takes a list of string objects as a parameter and returns a new list containing each string in the title-case version. Any strings that have less than 5 characters needs to be expanded with the appropriate number of space characters to make them exactly 5 characters long. For example, consider the following list:

words = ['Right', 'SAID', 'jO']

The new list would be:

['Right', 'Said ', 'Jo   ']

Since the second element only contains 4 characters, an extra space must be added to the end. The third element only contains 2 characters, so 3 more spaces must be added.


  • Title case means that the first letter of each word is uppercase and the rest lower-case. You may want to use the .title() string function. (e.g. 'SMITH'.title() returns 'Smith')
  • You should not modify the original list of string objects.
  • You may assume that each word in the list does not have more than 5 characters.
  • You may want to use the format string: '{:<5}' in this question.

For example:

Test Result
words = ['Right', 'SAID', 'jO']
result = pack_to_5(words)
['Right', 'SAID', 'jO']
['Right', 'Said ', 'Jo   ']
words = ['help', 'SAID', 'jO', 'FUNNY']
result = pack_to_5(words)
['help', 'SAID', 'jO', 'FUNNY']
['Help ', 'Said ', 'Jo   ', 'Funny']
result = pack_to_5([])


Expert Solution


def pack_to_5 (words): #pack_to_5() function
final_result=[] #final_result[] list
for word in [word.title() for word in words]: #for each word in words convert it to title case and take every word in that
if (len(word)!=5): #check if the word lenght is 5 or not if not 5
diff=5-len(word) #take the difference of 5-length(word)
spaces=diff * ' ' #take string and store the number of spaces
word=word+(spaces) #finally concatenate the spaces
final_result.append(word) #finally append the word to final_result list
return final_result #return final_result

print("Test Case-1")
words = ['Right', 'SAID', 'jO'] #test case 1 input list
result = pack_to_5 (words) #call pack_to_5(words) and store the returned result
print(result) #print result

print("\nTest Case-2")
words=['help','SAID','jO','FUNNY'] #test case 2 input list
result = pack_to_5 (words) #call pack_to_5(words1) and store the returned result
print(result) #print result

print("\nTest Case-3")
words=[] #test case 3 input list
result = pack_to_5 (words) #call pack_to_5(words2) and store the returned result
print(result) #print result

Code and Output Screenshots:

Note : For better understanding i have added a print statement for displaying each test case . we can remove that print statement if we want only input and output list.

Note : if you have any queries please post a comment thanks a lot..always available to help you...

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