
In: Finance

Here are some data on DCRB options as of May 14. Current stock price is $125.94,...

Here are some data on DCRB options as of May 14. Current stock price is $125.94, expirations are May 21, June 18, and July 16, and the risk-free rates are 0.0447, 0.0446, and 0.0453 respectively.

                                                          CALLS                                                                          PUTS

Exercise Price




























Draw a payoff diagram, and calculate the maximum loss, maximum gain, and breakeven for each of the following strategies.

Question 1: A call bull spread strategy: long the June 125 and short the June 130 calls.

Question 2: A put bear spread: long the June 130 put and short the June 125 put.

Question 3: Buy the stock at $125.94, buy the July 120 put for $13.65, and sell a call that has the same price, $13.65. But no such call exists! It turns out that I can “create” such a call if its exercise price were $136.165.    [Hint: this is a collar.]


Expert Solution

1. A call bull spread Strategy

Please refer to below spreadsheet for calculation and answer. Cell reference also provided.

Cell reference -

2. A put bear spread

Please refer to below spreadsheet for calculation and answer. Cell reference also provided.

Cell reference -

3. Collar Strategy

Please refer to below spreadsheet for calculation and answer. Cell reference also provided.

Cell reference -

Hope this will help, please do comment if you need any further explanation. Your feedback would be appreciated.

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