
In: Accounting

. Customer Lifetime Valuation: . SOTARG Inkjet Printers – A Brief Exercise . . Julien Levy...

. Customer Lifetime Valuation:
. SOTARG Inkjet Printers – A Brief Exercise
. Julien Levy – product manager in France and in charge of printers and accessories
. Past third quarter figures makes Julien worried he will not hit this year’s annual sales target
. Consequence, considers end-of-year promotion in Paris/Greater Paris Region
. Approached by Florent Gaspard – managing director of promo plus/ marketing firm
. ​-direct marketing firm in Suresnes
. ​-offered to develop and implement sales promotion campaign to boost end-of-year
. ​sales
. Suggested an in store promotional campaign (10 hypermarkets):
. ​-Carrefour (4 stores)
. ​-Auchan (3 stores)
. ​-Leclerc (2 stores)
. ​-Hyper U (1 store)
. Put one booth at the entrance of each hypermarket during four critical Satruday’s before Christmas
. Quote for promo’s plus’s promotion:
. 250/day/booth includes promotional material/remuneration of sales promotion specialist
. Julien must make a choice
. SOTARGS customer retention rate:
. Four out of five customers continue to use inkjet printer after a full year (4 out of 5 after 12 months)
. Many trade up for a more sophisticated printer
. After another year only half of the four out of five continue to use inkjet printer (2 out 4 after 24 months)
. After three years the remaining stop using
. Customer Lifetime Value is three years
. 200 pages w/ SOGART 100 Inkjet cartridge – in other words in consumer household last three months
. SOGART does not capture replacement cartridges
. 15% buy SOGART compatible low cost/recyclable cartridges online or specialty retailer (household typically buys every seventh cartridge from other sources)
. To boost sales Julien wants to sell promotional bundle during Christmas for 50.43
. ​-1 SOGART inkjet printer (33.45 per unit)
. ​-1 mediabridge hi-speed cable (3.99 per unit)
. ​-1 SOGART black ink cartridge (12.99 per unit)
. SOGART higher margins on cartridge (85% profit margin) and cables (80% profit margin) than printer which are sold at a loss at (-40% profit margin)
. SOGART forecasts annual 2% increase on products come into affect on January 1
. Uses company wide discount rate of 10%

. Case Two Questions and Answers - Please help me answer the question below according to the information listed above.

. c) What could be done to improve the profitability of this direct marketing initiative for SOTARG? In other words, what could SOTARG do to enhance the economic return of acquiring these new customers? Suggest two concrete actions and briefly explain, in 3–4 sentences, how they would impact results. 


Expert Solution

Evalution whether SOTARG should continue with the business or not
a. Let us assume, Sogart sells 100 units in Nth year 100
Products Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Inkjet Printer
New customers 102                                    104               106
Nth year customers 80 81.6 83.232
(N-1)th year customers                         40                                       41                  42
Total Customers                       222                                    226               231
No. of cartridges                         33                                       34                  35
No. of cartridges bought from SOGART                         29                                       29                  30
Computation of Cost
Particulars Product Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total
Sales Forecast Inkjet Printers                                 7,426            7,574              7,726           22,726
Cost Inkjet Printers                            (10,396)       (10,604)         (10,816)         (31,817) Cost % will be Sales - profit
Sales Forecast Cartridge                                    371               378                  386              1,135
Cost Cartridge                                    (56)               (57)                  (58)               (170) Cost % will be Sales - profit
Computation of Total/ Profit Loss Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total
No. of units                       251                                    256               261                  767
Price per unit                   50.43                                 50.43            50.43                  151
Total Sales                 12,635                              12,888         13,145            38,668
Less: Cost               (10,452)                            (10,661)       (10,874)         (31,987)
Gross Profit                   2,183                                 2,227            2,271              6,681
Disc Rate (in %)                   10.00                                 10.00            10.00
PV                   1,985                                 1,840            1,706              5,531
Since, on an overall basis, it seems that SOTARG is making profit, hence we suggest to contuinue with the buisuness.
b. Promo plus promostion cost
No. of stores 10
No. of days 4 ( 4 critical saturdays)
Cost per booth per day 250
Total Cost                 10,000
Sales Price 50.43
Computation of average cost                 (49.58) -49.5765
Gross Profit per unit 0.8535
No. of units to be sold to recover promotional cost                 11,716

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