
In: Psychology

Greek Gods and Goddesses: Select one Greek god or goddess and choose a contemporary figure who...

Greek Gods and Goddesses: Select one Greek god or goddess and choose a contemporary figure who has similar character traits to your selected god or goddess. Explain why you made your selection. Your contemporary figure can be anyone a famous person, a surgeon or musician, a relative- - - whomever you choose.


Expert Solution

1. a. EIRENE, believed to be the Goddess of peace and love is considered as one of the three horaie (dieties of seasons).

b. The Goddess's statue is characterized with herself as a maiden holding an infant with love and compassion in the hands.

c. The Goddess is a synonym for all the action sfrom the bottom of the heart and not mere brains or intellect. It conveys mankind that " Don't be different. Just be Good. Being good is being different, these days."

2. a. MR. PRAKASH AMTE from Maharashtra state of India is a personality today working with heart for the deprived tribal people of the Hemalkasa region. Basically a doctor by profession, with his wife (who is also a doctor) resides sacrificing all the so called pleasures of this materialistic life and serves the tribal people. Provides them medical aid, educates and spreads awareness.

b. He has also developed his animal ark and orphanage for wild animals where he treats the severely injured wild animals and feeds them as well.

c. Dr Prakash was honoured with Magsaysay Award for his dedicated and devoted service. This person didn't even had amount of money to travel and receive the award. The backbone of the whole work of Mr. Prakash reminds us the perennial flow of love, affection and compassion and thereby spread peace and contentment in lifes of thousans of human beings.

Thus, EIRENE and the contemporary figure Dr. Prakash Amte possess the similar character traits.

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