In: Economics
For each of the following, indicate whether the idea is most closely associated with the first industrial revolution, the second industrial revolution, neither, or both.
The possibility of traveling from coast to coast in the US in
under a week
Feedback loops
The internet
The flying shuttle
The steam engine
A technological (as opposed to political) revolution
1. First Industrial Revolution
2. Second Industrial Revolution
3. Neither
4. Both
1. Mechanization related to first industrial revolution.
Reason:- With the advent of industrial revolution, mechanization took place in the hand in the hand loom business.
2. The possibility of travelling from coast to coast in the US in under a week related to second industrial revolution.
Reason:- After advent of increase in the production of goods and services many opted for sales from one coast to another cost to expand the business. Many advancement in the transportation took place.
3. Feedback loops related to second industrial revolution.
Reason:- It is the positive experience of the people who involved in the business. The transformation of traditional to the modern techniques paved the way of feeling good thought of improvement in their business sales.
4. The internet related to none of neither first or second revolution.
Reason:- The internet connection was introduced only in 1960s after super computers was introduced.
5. Flying shuttle related to first industrial revolution.
Reason:-Weavers used the Flying Shuttle in producing weaving clothes.
6, The Steam engine related to first industrial revolution.
Reason:-The steam engine was used as main transportation of movement of goods and services in early 18th century.
7. The Rail Roads related to first industrial revolution
Reason:- It was also considered as the main source of transportation
8. Telegraph related to first industrial revolution
Reason:-It was also considered as the main source of communication.
9. A Technological Revolution related to first industrial revolution.
Reason:-It was also considered as the main source of technological upgrade of goods.