
In: Civil Engineering

1)The stress on the circular footing of 6 m diameter due to column load is 200...

1)The stress on the circular footing of 6 m diameter due to column load is 200 kPa at the level of the footing i.e., z = 0 m. Calculate the vertical stress at a depth of 2 m, 4 m and 6 m below the central line of the footing and at edge of the footing. Also, draw the pressure bulb for 10% intensity of the applied in conventional graph sheet .

2)There are two borrowing areas ‘A’ and ‘B’ which have soils with void ratios of 0.8 and 0.7 respectively. The inplace water content is 20% and 15% respectively. The fill at the end of the construction will have a total volume of 10,000 m3, bulk density of 2000 kg/m3 and a placement water content of 22%. Determine the volume of soil required to be excavated from both areas. Assume that the specific gravity of the soils at site ‘A’ and site ‘B’ is 2.65 If the cost of excavation of soil and its transportation from the borrow area to the construction site is Rs 200 per every 100 m3 of soil for Area A and Rs 220 per every 100 m3 of soil for area B, which of the borrow area is more economical and justify your answer with detailed calculations


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