
In: Nursing

Case study #5: Bipolar disorder S: Janet, is a 25-year old, brought to the Psych ED...

Case study #5: Bipolar disorder

S: Janet, is a 25-year old, brought to the Psych ED yesterday by the Crisis Team who responded to a “deranged and violent” person destroying property at a local bar. She has been admitted to the psychiatric unit with a diagnosis of Bipolar I Disorder, Manic Episode. She was started on Olanzapine, 15 mg. She remains somewhat irritable and expressing delusions of grandeur – saying, her “home that she shares with her husband is a mansion, soon her husband will be taking her to vacation on the island that they own.

B: Janet was engaged for a year when her boyfriend abruptly announced that he did not want to get married and took a job in Japan. That was three months ago. Her roommate reports that Janet was hysterical at first, then depressed, and finally was accepting the situation and moving on. She changed her hairstyle and bought new clothes. She then began going out several nights a week for what she called “action.” She also started exercising excessively and was sleeping very little, as reported by her roommate.

A: Vital signs are stable, Janet is afebrile. She weighs 109 lbs, and looks very thin for her 5’7’’ height. She slept only 1- hour last night, refused breakfast and was seen doing jumping jacks in her room.

R: A care plan needs to be developed for Janet. Medication teaching, and psychotherapy will probably begin today if Janet is determined to be stable.

#1 nursing diagnosis of “Risk for Injury”

a. Identify the contributing evidence for this diagnosis.

b. Determine a goal or expected outcome for Janet

c. List 3 – 5 appropriate nursing interventions that the you, the nurse will do, to help Janet reach her goal or expected outcome.

d. Create a med card for Lithium and one other “mood stabilizer” medication.

Be prepared to share med cards with clinical instructor and participate in discussion.

#2 Nursing diagnosis: Risk for self- or other - directed violence

a. Identify the contributing evidence for this diagnosis.

b. Determine a goal or expected outcome for Janet

c. List 3 – 5 appropriate nursing interventions that the you, the nurse will do, to help Janet reach her goal or expected outcome.

#3 Nursing diagnosis: Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements

a. Identify the contributing evidence for this diagnosis.

b. Determine a goal or expected outcome for Janet

c. List 3 – 5 appropriate nursing interventions that the you, the nurse will do, to help Janet reach her goal or expected outcome.


Expert Solution

Janet had broken relationship her boy her boy friend. Then she started to show characteristics of abnormal behavior such as less sleep, more exercise, buying new cloths and going outing at nigh time. She was brought to emergency department after she showed violent behavior and destroying property in a local bar.

Nursing care plan:

1. Risk for injury related to extreme hyperactivity as evidenced by the jumping jacks in her room

a. Contributing evidence : she is doing jumping racks in her room as a result of manic expressions

b. Goal is patient will stop doing hyperactivity behavior with the help of medication and nursing procedures

. Nursing intervention

· Asses the patient conditions of the patient and her motor behavior in order to make a plan of care

· Provide a safe environment for her in order to reduce injury

· Ensure the environment that are free from external stimuli such as bright light, loud noise can enhance brain activity

· Ensure the floor that should not be slipperybecause it cause injury by falling while doing jumping

· Administer sedative medication to control her behavior

d. Mood stabilizer medication lithium and valproic acid





Side effects


Nurses responsibility



300mg 3-4 times /day

it change cation in nerve and muscle

Gastrointestinal symptoms: Nausea, loss of appetite, diarrhea, abdominal pain

CNS: headache, tremors, fatigue, loss of memory

Cardiovascular : changes in ECG

Genito urinary: increased urination

ENDO: hypothyroidism

Hypersensitivity, dehydrated patients, cardiovascular and renal problems

Monitor sodium levels because it cause lithium toxicity

Monitor intake and output daily. Because it causes toxicity in case of dehydartion

Monitor for signs and symptoms of lithium toxicity

Monitor ECG in case of irregular pulse


Valproic acids


It rises level of gamma amino butyric acid in the CNS

Nausea, vomiting, indigestion, rashes, paresthesia, drowsiness, sedation, headache, visual disturbances

Hypersensitivity, liver impairment

Administer medication after foods

Avoid administer medication after consuming milk in order to avoid early absorption

Monitor for dizziness and any side effects


2. Risk for self or other related to hyperactivity, restlessness   as evidenced by showing violent behavior and damaging property at local bar

a. Contributing evidence is showing deranged and violent behavior and damaging behavior

b. Goal: patient will show the normal behavior with the help of medication and nursing care

c. Interventions

· Assess the client for aggressive behavior

· Avoid arguments with the patients. argument increase violent behavior

· Maintain safe environment for the patient to avoid injury to the patient

· Maintain a calm talking with the patient after winning confidence from patient.

· Educate to show her feelings in a written form, that helps to ventilate her feelings

· Provide her a punching bag to show her feeling that helps to remove her emotional feelings

· Provide her separate room. Because she endangers other patient in her room

· Ensure the environment is free from stimuli and remove any harmful substances and things from her room. Because she sometimes causes injury herself because of bipolar disorder

3. Imbalanced balanced nutrition less than body requirement

a. Contributing evidence: she refused to eat. Her Body mass index is 17

b. Goal is her body mass index is improved

c. Intervention

· Assess the nutritional status of the patient to plan a care

· Provide her food in a safe and environment free environment. Because stimuli can distract her mind

· Provide her simple and frequent feeds   to helps in digestion

· Explain in a clear and calm manner in order to build the relationship with the patient

· Explain importance of foods and its benefits on her that helps to motivate to consume foods

· Motivate her by telling about this diet cannot decrease her beauty and can maintain health beauty skin

· Monitor   her weight in order to monitor her weight improvement

Nursing diagnosis



Nursing intervention and rationale

Risk for injury related to extreme hyperactivity as evidenced by the jumping jacks in her room

she is doing jumping racks in her room as a result of manic expressions

patient will stop doing hyperactivity behavior with the help of medication and nursing procedures

.Asses the patient conditions of the patient and her motor behavior in order to make a plan of care

Provide a safe environment for her in order to reduce injury

Ensure the environment that are free from external stimuli such as bright light, loud noise can enhance brain activity

Ensure the floor that should not be slippery

Administer sedative medication to control her behavior

Risk for self or other related to hyperactivity, restlessness   as evidenced by showing violent behavior and damaging property at local bar

showing deranged and violent behavior and damaging behavior

patient will show the normal behavior with the help of medication and nursing care

Assess the client for aggressive behavior

Avoid arguments with the patients. argument increase violent behavior

Maintain safe environment for the patient to avoid injury to the patient

Maintain a calm talking with the patient after winning confidence from patient.

Educate to show her feelings in a written form, that helps to ventilate her feelings

Provide her a punching bag to show her feeling that helps to remove her emotional feelings

Provide her separate room. Because she endangers other patient in her room

Ensure the environment is free from stimuli and remove any harmful substances and things from her room. Because she sometimes causes injury herself because of bipolar disorder

Imbalanced balanced nutrition less than body requirement related to psychological impairment as evidenced by she refused to eat. Her Body mass index is 17

she refused to eat. Her Body mass index is 17

her body mass index is improved

she begins to consume food

Assess the nutritional status of the patient to plan a care

Provide her food in a safe and environment free environment. Because stimuli can distract her mind

Provide her simple and frequent feeds   to helps in digestion

Explain in a clear and calm manner in order to build the relationship with the patient

Explain importance of foods and its benefits on her that helps to motivate to consume foods

Motivate her by telling about this diet cannot decrease her beauty and can maintain health beauty skin

Monitor   her weight in order to monitor her weight improvement

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