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The elementary liquid phase reaction A + B C is carried out in a 550 dm3...

The elementary liquid phase reaction

A + B C

is carried out in a 550 dm3 reactor. The entering concentrations of streams A and B are both 2-molar and the specific reaction rate is 0.015 dm3/(mol*min).

1.1 Calculate the time to reach 80%conversion if the reactor is a batch reactor filled to the brim.
1.2 Assuming a stoichiometric feed (10 mol A/min) to a continuous flow reactor, calculate the reactor volume and space-time to achieve 80% conversion if the reactor is

1.2.1 CSTR 1.2.2 PFR
1.3 Redo questions 1.1 and 1.2 assuming the reaction is first-order in B and zero-order in A with k = 0.015 /min.
1.4 Assume the reaction is reversible with Ke = 2 dm3/mol. Calculate the equilibrium conversion and the CSTR and PFR volumes necessary to achieve 98% of the equilibrium conversion.


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