
In: Computer Science

IN PYTHON: Write a program to study countries and their capitals. The program will store country:capital...


Write a program to study countries and their capitals. The program will store country:capital information and allow the user to quiz themselves.

These two functions are required for this assignment. You may add other functions that you deem appropriate:

- menu()   This function, which displays all the user options to the screen, prompts the user for their choice and returns their choice. This function will verify user input and ALWAYS return a valid choice.

- addCapital(dict) This function accepts a dictionary as a parameter. This dictionary contains store country:capital pairs.


- Add a country and it’s capital to the dictionary. The addCapital function is to be called to complete this task.

- The user can enter a country, and if that country is in the dictionary, it’s capital is printed, otherwise, an error message is printed.

- Print out the number of countries currently represented in the dictionary.

- Print out all the countries which are currently represented in the dictionary.

- Print out all of the countries and their capitals currently stored. If there are no capitals currently stored in the dictionary, a message is printed

- Exit the program


Expert Solution

  Python program country capital

def addCaptial(country_capital):
  state = input("Enter Country: ")
  capital = input("Enter Capital: ")
  country_capital[state] = capital
  return country_capital

def getCapital(country_capital):
  state = input("Enter Country: ")
    return country_capital[state]
  except KeyError:
    print("Error: Country not found")

def printCountries(country_capital):
  for key in country_capital.keys():

def printCountriesAndCapitals(country_capital):
  for key, val in country_capital.items():

def menu():
  print("1. Add")
  print("2. Find Capital")
  print("3. Number of Countries")
  print("4. All the Countries")
  print("5. All the Countries and their Capitals")
  print("6. Exit")
  choice = int(input("Enter choice: "))
  return choice

if __name__ == '__main__':
  country_capital = {
    'Finland': 'Helsinki',
    'France':  'Paris',
    'Germany':  'Berlin'

  while True:
    choice = menu()
    if choice == 1:
    elif choice == 2:
    elif choice == 3:
      print("Number of countires", len(country_capital))
    elif choice == 4:
    elif choice == 5:
    elif choice == 6:

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