
In: Operations Management

Laws are enacted by Congress, and the courts apply those laws to the facts of a...

Laws are enacted by Congress, and the courts apply those laws to the facts of a case to reach a decision. For cases that get appealed to the United States Supreme Court, the nine justices often do not reach unanimous decisions. Explain in substantial detail how judges that are interpreting the same laws and the same facts may reach different conclusions, and specifically comment on how it is never simply because a judge may be Republican or Democrat.


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Judges may may come to different conclusions even though they are interpreting the same laws and constitution because different judges uses a different way in interpreting the laws.Some of the elements judges use in interpreting law and that makes them end up in different conclusion include:

  1. Historical Interpretation-in this case judges looks at the historical activities in ratifying and interpreting the laws.
  2. Doctrinal Interpretation-A judge here applies other laws made by different judges before
  3. Structural Interpretation-In this case a judge considers structural laws specially in the constitution
  4. Textual Interpretation- A judge looks the meaning of the words of the constitution,relying on common words used
  5. prudential Interpretation-In this case a judge interest is to balance the costs and damages of a particular ruling
  6. Ethical Interpretation- judges the laws by looking at the moral commitments provided in the constitution'


Judges that are interpreting the same laws and the same facts may reach different conclusions,Even though a judge may be Republican or Democrat.This because every judge uses a different skill in interpreting the laws.Additionally,judicial decision are also affected by internal or external factors may may be based on ideology,personal,legal and political influence.

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