
In: Biology

Use the article to answer these questions. Let me know if you need more information. What...

Use the article to answer these questions. Let me know if you need more information.

What question was asked?

Summarize the main points of the article—what is the primary goal or aim of the described study?

How was the question asked?

Summarize the main methods used in the study.

What did the authors find?

Summarize the major results of the study.

How does this article provide background information for quorum sensing in gingivitis?

Some possible questions you could address…How does this paper improve your knowledge of quorum sensing in gingivitis? Identify a key figure in the paper and describe its interpretation within the paper – How does the figure relate to what you may find in researching quorum sensing in gingivitis?


Bacterial Quorum Sensing and Microbial Community Interactions


Many bacteria use a cell-cell communication system called quorum sensing to coordinate population density-dependent changes in behavior. Quorum sensing involves the production of and response to diffusible or secreted signals, which can vary substantially across different types of bacteria. In many species, quorum sensing modulates virulence functions and is important for pathogenesis. Over the past half-century, there has been a significant accumulation of knowledge of the molecular mechanisms, signal structures, gene regulons, and behavioral responses associated with quorum-sensing systems in diverse bacteria. More recent studies have focused on understanding quorum sensing in the context of bacterial sociality. Studies of the role of quorum sensing in cooperative and competitive microbial interactions have revealed how quorum sensing coordinates interactions both within a species and between species. Such studies of quorum sensing as a social behavior have relied on the development of “synthetic ecological” models that use nonclonal bacterial populations. In this review, we discuss some of these models and recent advances in understanding how microbes might interact with one another using quorum sensing. The knowledge gained from these lines of investigation has the potential to guide studies of microbial sociality in natural settings and the design of new medicines and therapies to treat bacterial infections.


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a. The aim of the article is to build and investigate the various model of quorom-sensing in bacteria and use the knowledge made from this models to design new medicines and therapies to treat vatious bacterial infection.

b. Use of quorom-sensing model to predict the fundamental understanding of quorom sensing and competition in bacteria.

2. The main methods use in this study are:

a. QS control of cooperative model

b. Laboratory model of cooperation

c. QS control model to stabilize cooperative model.

3. The major result of this study are:

I. Quorom sensing model help in understanding how the bacteria live in diverse environment condition.

II. Quorom.sensing model help the reserachers to understand that QS play an important role in the competition amond and between different species.

IV. Quorom sensing help in understanding the reserachers is important for the cooperation among bacteria.

IV. Quorom sesning model is importnat for studying the social behaviour among bacteria.

V. The quorom sensing model help the reserchers to find new dtug targets.

4. Gingivitis is a form of gum diseases that lead to inflamed gums. The gingivatis is caused by forming plaque by bacteria. In the formation of plaque, bacteria use quorom sensing. So , after reading this paper, reserachers can use plaque information to understand quorom sensing in bacteria that lead to causing of gingivatis.This knowledge will further aid in finding potent drug targets in plaque forming bacteria.

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