
In: Computer Science

var selectedColor = document.getElementById("colorChoice").value; var selectedStyle = document.getElementById("style").value; var selectedSize = document.getElementById("size").value; var orderMessage = "Your...

var selectedColor = document.getElementById("colorChoice").value;
var selectedStyle = document.getElementById("style").value;
var selectedSize = document.getElementById("size").value;

var orderMessage = "Your order is: Color = " + selectedColor
+ "; Style = " + selectedStyle
+ "; Size = " + selectedSize+"\n";

if (selectedStyle==="Long-sleeve")
//Add code to calculate the price and concatenate it to the orderMessage
//For example, "The order is: Color = gray; Style=T-Shirt; Size = XL \nThe price is $12"
//If the style and size are not available, then concatenate the message that it is not available instead of a price.
// -- Notice: the color, style, and style is already stored variables for you
// a t-shirt in any size is $9
// a long-sleeve t-shirt in adult sizes is $18
// a long-sleeve t-shirt is youth sizes is not available
// a tech shirt is is $12 except 2XL and 3XL which are $16.

//Next change this alert to write the order status to the HTML page.


Expert Solution

   var selectedColor = document.getElementById("colorChoice").value;
   var selectedStyle = document.getElementById("style").value;
   var selectedSize = document.getElementById("size").value;

   var orderMessage = "Your order is: Color = " + selectedColor
   + "; Style = " + selectedStyle
   + "; Size = " + selectedSize+"<br>";
   // if selectedStyle is long-sleeve (case insensitive comparison)

/// toLowerCase method converts the string to lower case so the comparison can be done without taking case into account
   if (selectedStyle.toLowerCase()==="long-sleeve")
       // if selectedSize is adult (case insensitive comparison)
       if(selectedSize.toLowerCase() === "adult")
           orderMessage += "The price is $18.";
       }else if(selectedSize.toLowerCase() === "youth") // if selectedSize is youth (case insensitive comparison)
           orderMessage += "It is not available.";
   }else if(selectedStyle.toLowerCase() === "tech shirt") // if selectedStyle is tech shirt (case insensitive comparison)
       // if selectedSize is 2xl or 3xl (case insensitive comparison)
       if(selectedSize.toLowerCase() === "2xl" || selectedSize.toLowerCase() === "3xl")
           orderMessage += "The price is $16.";
       }else // any other size for tech shirt
           orderMessage += "The price is $12.";
   }else if(selectedStyle.toLowerCase() === "t-shirt") // if selectedStyle is t-shirt (case insensitive comparison)
       orderMessage += "The price is $9.";
   else   // if any other item then its not available  
       orderMessage += "It is not available.";
   //Add code to calculate the price and concatenate it to the orderMessage
   //For example, "The order is: Color = gray; Style=T-Shirt; Size = XL \nThe price is $12"
   //If the style and size are not available, then concatenate the message that it is not available instead of a price.
   // -- Notice: the color, style, and style is already stored variables for you
   // a t-shirt in any size is $9
   // a long-sleeve t-shirt in adult sizes is $18
   // a long-sleeve t-shirt is youth sizes is not available
   // a tech shirt is is $12 except 2XL and 3XL which are $16.

   //Next change this alert to write the order status to the HTML page.
   //Suppose result is the id of the HTML element where we need to display the order details
   document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = orderMessage;

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