
In: Computer Science

2.7 Explaining basic networking concepts Basics of network communication Device addresses Basic protocols 2.8 Scenario to...

2.7 Explaining basic networking concepts

  • Basics of network communication
  • Device addresses
  • Basic protocols

2.8 Scenario to install, configure and secure a basic wireless network

Best Practices

3.1 Explaining the purpose of operating systems

  • The interface between applications and hardware
  • Disk management
  • Process management/scheduling
  • Application management
  • Memory management
  • Device management
  • Access control/protection


Expert Solution

2.7 Basic Networking Concept- Computer network consists of two or more autonomous computers that are linked or connected together in order to share resources like files , printers , modems etc. ; share application software like MS Office ; allow Electronic communication ; Increase productivity . Network communication also called as internetworking ,is set of protocols (set of rules and regulations ) that allow application programs to talk with each other without regard to the hardware and operating systems where they are run. It allows application programs to communicate independently of their physical network connections.

Device addresses: Over the internet , milions of devices are connected with each other. To make differnce between each connected devices, ecah devices is associated with some unique address. The device when connected over the internet is associated with a unique address called IP address and each device has unique address called MAC address.In other words, IP and MAC addresses are the mechanisms within the network by which the devices are identified and located for communication.

IP Address : IP address stands for Internet protocol. It is a series of numbers which is used to identify a device within a network environment.

MAC Address : MAC address work along with IP addresses on a network device for communication.

Protocols : A communication protocol is a set of conventions or rules that must be adhered to by both communicating parties to ensure that information being exchanged between two parties is recieved and interpreted correctly. Some basic protocols are :

TCP/IP protocol - TCP/IP protocol stands for Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol . TCP represents a transport layer protocol that provides end to end reliable transmission. It includes functions as flow control , error control and exchange of status information. IP represents is a network layer protocol designed to route message between networks.

2.8 Scenario to install , configure and secure basic wireless network-

The steps to install, configure and secure the basic wireless network is-

MAC filtering - It refers to a security access control method where an address is assigned to each network card that is used to detemine access to the network.

Port forwarding - It is an application of network address translation that redirects a communication request from one address and port number to another port number.

SSID braodcast - Service Set IDentifier is used to give access to login to those users who know the name .This is the simplest security measure.

Wireless Encryption: It protects against people stealing someone's important data. It provide security over one's devices wireless connection.

Firewall : This is the software program designed to protect a network by preventing unauthorized users from gaining access or by monitoring the information to and from the network.

3.1 Purpose of Operating System- An Operating System is a collection of Software , which manages the resources of the computer system such as memory , processor , file system and input/output devices. It is an Interface between the user and the hardware i.e. it make simplify for users to operate the system in a user friendly manner. It keep tracks of the status of each resource and decides who will have control over computer resources , for how long and when.

Disk Management: Disks are the one , providing lot of secondary storage . As compared to magnetic tapes , disks have very fast access time and disk bandwidth. Disks drivers are large single dimentional arrays of logical blocks to be transferred .

Process Management : A process is a program in execution. A process is an active entity . A single program can create many process when run multiple times. OS can perform context switching in order to manage all the process that are in the ready queue to wait for its turn.

Application Management: It is the process of managing the application throughout their lifecycle . Application management guide how the business applications are developed , managed and improved.

Memory Management: It keeps track of each and every memory location regardless of either it is allocated to some process or it is free. It decides which process will get the memory and at what time. It updates the status  of unallocated and frees memory.

Device Management: It is responsible for managing all the hardware devices of the computer system. It also manage the output and input devices.

Access Control /Security: Access control provides the security to the user and identified the authorized user. There are different type of Access Control-

  • Mandatory Access Control
  • Discretionary Access Control
  • Rule based Access control
  • Role based access control

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