
In: Operations Management

QUESTION ONE Operations Management is one of the three major functions of any organisation. No organisation...


Operations Management is one of the three major functions of any organisation. No organisation can do without the Operations function. It exists for manufacturing and service organisations as well as to profit and non-profit making organisations. It is such a costly part of an organisation but contribute to a large extent to the success of the organisation. However, organisations are impacted continuously by business pressures and these provide them with the biggest challenges. Organisations often look to the Operations functions to respond to the business pressures.
(a) Carry out a literature review on the Operations Management Function, indicating a definition of Operations Management, its importance to organisations and how it contributes to the success of the organisation.    (1500 Words: 30 marks)

(b) With reference to an industry you are familiar with, identify five business pressures impacting on the industry and discuss how these challenges can be addressed by the operations functions of the latter. (1000 Words: 20 marks)

Students are expected to critically analyse the various aspects and not just report passively and should include a small conclusion.


Expert Solution

(A) Operations Management in short is dealing with a venture or an assembling unit or an assistance related work through planning,organizing and coordinating with the nature of the item or administration being the most ideal to the extent. Any occasion that we need to plan can be named as activity and to effectively lead and presume that occasion is identified with tasks the board for that occasion.

An assembling unit or setting up of a plant will require following:

a) Layout arranging of the plant (b) Getting subsidizing either value or obligation or both in certain proportion (c) Getting speculation requires venture outline and expected surge and inflow that is venture financing (d) Whether the assembling unit is close to the market or not (e) Whether the assembling unit is close to the crude material providers or not (f) Supply Chain the executives (f) Labor availibility (g) Machine and hardware (h) Contigency arranging (I) Warehouse (j) Inventory the executives (k) Quality administration (TQM) (l) ERP (j) Production Planning (k) Usage of Operation Research. Tasks the executives is engaged with every single step of the organization to coordinate, structure, convey and build up the whole unit and the item subsequently fabricated or administration therefore conveyed. Beginning from the thought for an item to setting up of the assembling unit with appropriately arranged design of the assembling unit requires a great deal of arranging and time which the tasks the executives does. The extent of activities the board includes (area Facilities (b) Plant format and dealing with material (c) Product structure (d) Process structure (f) Production arranging and control (g) Quality control (h) Materials Management (I) Maintenance the executives.

Office Location is chosen based (a) goal of office area choice (b) Factors liable for plant area choice (a) Primary Factors (b) Secondary elements.

There are techniques to choose plant area utilizing (a) Dimensional Method (b) Brown and Gibson's strategy (c) Location earn back the original investment examination

Office design is arranged dependent on (a) Purpose of office format (b) Objective of office design. There are different sorts of office format dependent on the need, item and utilization of machinary like (a) Product/Line Layout (b) Process/Funtional Layout (c) Group/Combined Layout (d) Fixed Position/Location Layout .Tasks the executives includes Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) which is useful in overseeing whole work through a bundle. It includes (a) Supply Chain the board (b) Sales and showcasing (c) Purchase (d) Human asset (e) Inventory (f) Finance and Accounting

The creation arranging and control some portion of tasks the executives includes (a) Loading (b) Sequencing (c) Scheduling. The observing and controlling takes care of (a) Push and Pull control (b) Drum, Buffer and Rope strategies At that point it includes quality administration through (a) Statistical Quality control (b) Quality circles and (c) Total Quality administration through Kaizen, Benchmarking, Siz Sigma This is essentially what tasks the board comprise of and it tends to be construed how without all these comprising components an organization or an assembling unit can't consider producing what it needs to make. Every single detail is as significant as the segments comprising of activities the board. A vehicle producer can't fabricate vehicles if the format isn't legitimate and if there is an imperfection in the framework.

(B) Let us take a case of car producing unit to comprehend the utilization of Operations Management and the business pressure it alleviates from.

Five business pressures that a car industry face: (a) Competition (b) Raw Material (c) Quality (d) Supply Chain (e) Plant Layout Request depends on the what shoppers consider about a specific item and the producer. The buyer additionally observe the value the item separated from different things. There are a ton numerous assortments of traveler vehicles maker accessible today and purchaser searches for wellbeing and security part of the vehicle. The quality and crash test performed for a specific fragment of the vehicle shows whether the shopper will put it all on the line or now yet it isn't just about this component alone. Customers take a gander at different producers too and look at.

All out quality administration checks and reevaluates for any defect. We have known about Toyota and Honda reviewing their specific model of vehicle for flawed break or grip. These effects the organization just as that specific brand since it turns into a trust factor which gets hit. The buyer should think before purchasing in light of the fact that a flawed break will prompt mishap likely a significant one. The plant format is significant. A vehicle is made out of different segments like entryways, motor, shading, tires and so on. The plant design will choose and help the producer proficiently and adequately fulfill the objective and need through smooth procedure of assembling.

The inventory network is a significant part which helps satisfy the need. On the off chance that the production network is affected, at that point the stock continues heaping on and an additional weight of removal turns into a major difficulty for the producer. Crude materials on the off chance that not provided in time, at that point the plant sits inert prompting misfortunes and inertness of the work and plant. The providers of crude material for a vehicle industry is as significant as assembling of the item. The crude material provider should be made accomplices with the goal that they are not affected by the competitior of by the item request and start untrustworthy practices.


The activities the executives is the foundation of an organization. The planning,directing and controlling is the foundation of the executives. on the off chance that the creation is affected contrarily, at that point activities the executives needs to perceive what is affecting it since it is the tasks the executives which helps the whole procedure of assembling to supply of item to the market to satisfy the need.

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