from partition import partition
def quicksort(a: list, l: int, u: int) -> None:
'''Sort the given list a in non-descending order.
Precondition: 0 <= l and u < len(a)'''
if l < u:
mid = (l + u) // 2
three = [a[l], a[mid], a[u]]
if three[1] == a[l]:
pivot_loc = l
elif three[1] == a[u]:
pivot_loc = u
pivot_loc = mid
a[u], a[pivot_loc] = a[pivot_loc], a[u]
pivot = a[u]
i = partition(a, l, u - 1, pivot)...
Below is the pseudocode for Quicksort and Partition that we
talked about in class. As usual with recursive functions on arrays,
we see the array indices s and e as arguments. Quicksort(A, s, e)
sorts the part of the array between s and e inclusively. The
initial call (that is, to sort the entire array) is Quicksort(A, 0,
n − 1)
QuickSort(A, s, e)
if s < e
p = Partition (A, s, e) // Partition
the array and return...
Divide and conquer approach to find the minimum absolute
difference in array A[lo..hi]
Input an array A[lo..hi] of n real numbers.
Shouldn't use a sorting algorithm.
Complexity O(nlgn)
Trace the execution of quicksort on the following array,
assuming that the first item in each subarray is the pivot value.
Show the values of first and last for each recursive call and the
array elements after returning from each call. Also, show the value
of pivot during each call and the value returned through pivIndex.
How many times is sort called, and how many times is partition
called? 55 50 10 40 80 90 60 100 70 80 20...
What is the running time of QUICKSORT on an array A of length n
containing all the same values? What is the running time if A
contains distinct elements sorted in decreasing order? Explain your
answers in detail, referring to the source code for PARTITION and
Let A be an integer array of length n.
Design a divide and conquer algorithm (description and pseudo
code) to find the index of an element of the minimum value in the
If there are several such elements, your algorithm must return
the index of the rightmost element.
For instance, if A = {0,2,4,5,2,0,3,10}, then the algorithm
should return 5, which is the index of the second 0.
// Given an array of size 9, with the values of 1-9,
determine if the array
// is valid or not.
// Display a message stating the row is VALId, or state
its INVALID and what
// was the index number that determined the data
// Use this java code as a start of your code.
// Test the array data by changing the values.
import java.util.*;
public class Soduko_ValidateRow
public static void main(String...
Consider QuickSort on the array A[1:n] and
assume that the pivot element x (used to split the array A[lo:hi]
into two portions such that all elements in the left portion
A[lo:m] are =< x and all elements in the right portion A[m:hi]
are >=x) is the first element of the array to be split (i. e.,
A[lo]).Construct an infinite sequence of numbers for n and construct an
assignment of the numbers 1...n to the n array elements that causes