
In: Computer Science

In C++, use SML programs to accomplish each of the following tasks: a) Use a sentinel-controlled...

In C++, use SML programs to accomplish each of the following tasks:

a) Use a sentinel-controlled loop to read positive numbers and compute and display their sum. Terminate input when a negative number is entered.

b) Use a counter-controlled loop to read seven numbers, some positive and some negative, and compute and display their average.

c) Read a series of numbers, and determine and display the largest number. The first number read indicates how many numbers should be processed.

For input you should read the instructions from a file (after prompting the user for the name of the file to read). Make the intro banner say "Welcome to Simpletron! Enter the name of the file containing your program:"

Here is a sample of the output expected:

Execution halted normally


accumulator -1

instructionCounter 6

instructionRegister 4300

opcode 43

operand 0


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0 1007 1008 2007 3008 2109 1109 4300 4 -5 -1

10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

. . .

90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Please show the output files for a, b, and c. Thank you.


Expert Solution

Question a: sentinel controlled loop to calculate the sum of numbers entered in a file (It should terminate if a negative value is found in the file)

C++ Program

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main()
char sumNumberFileName[25] ;
string inputLine;
int sum=0;
cout<<"Welcome to Simpletron! Enter the name of the file containing your program:";
cout<<endl<<"The file name entered is " <<sumNumberFileName;
ifstream myfile (sumNumberFileName);
if (myfile.is_open())
while ( getline (myfile,inputLine) )
//stoi function is used to convert from a string value to an interger value
while(stoi(inputLine) >= 0)
if(stoi(inputLine) <= 0)
cout<<endl<<"The sum of the values in the file is " <<sum;

cout << "Unable to open file";

return 0;

Output Screenshot

Question b: Counter controlled loop to read 7 numbers from a file and calculate its average

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <limits>

using namespace std;

int main()
char averageFileName[25] ;
string inputLine;
int sum=0;
int count = 0;
double average;
cout<<"Welcome to Simpletron! Enter the name of the file containing your program:";
cout<<endl<<"The file name entered is " <<averageFileName<<endl;
ifstream myfile (averageFileName);
if (myfile.is_open())
while ( getline (myfile,inputLine) )

cout<<"Line from file is " <<inputLine<<endl;
//stoi function is used to convert from a string value to an interger value

average = sum/7.0;
cout<<"The average of first seven numbers in the file is " << fixed <<average;

cout << "Unable to open file";

return 0;


Question C: Finding the largest number from a series of numbers. The numbers are stored in file and the first number in the file will be limit

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main()
char largestNumberFile[25] ;
string inputLine;
int sum=0;
int count = 0;
int largest = 0;
int countfromFile = 0;
cout<<"Welcome to Simpletron! Enter the name of the file containing your program:";
cout<<endl<<"The file name entered is " <<largestNumberFile<<endl;
//cout<<endl<<"Please enter limit"

ifstream myfile (largestNumberFile);
if (myfile.is_open())
getline (myfile,inputLine);
cout<<endl<<"We will be calculating the largest of first "<< inputLine <<" numbers in the file"<<endl;
countfromFile = stoi(inputLine);
while ( getline (myfile,inputLine) )

//cout<<endl<<"We will be calculating the largest of first "<< inputLine <<" numbers in the file";
// getline (myfile,inputLine);
cout<<"Line from file is " <<inputLine<<endl;
//stoi function is used to convert from a string value to an interger value
while(count < countfromFile){
if(largest < stoi(inputLine))
largest = stoi(inputLine);

cout<<endl<<"The largest number of first "<< countfromFile<<" numbers from the file is " << largest;

cout << "Unable to open file";

return 0;


Please let me know for any help, Thank you!


Please find the updated code with all three functionalities consolidated in one program


using namespace std;

int main()
char sumNumberFileName[25];
string inputLine;
int sum=0;
int choice;
int sum1=0;
int count=0,count1=0;
double average;
char averageFileName[25];
string inputLine1,inputLine2;
char largestNumberFile[25];
int largest=0;
int countfromFile;

cout<<"Welcome to Simpletron";
cout<<endl<<"1. Calculate the sum of numbers entered in a file";
cout<<endl<<"2. Read numbers from a file and calculate its average";
cout<<endl<<"3. Find largest number from a series of number";
cout<<endl<<"4. Exit the Simpletron program";

cout<<endl<<"Enter your choice(1-4) : ";

case 1:
cout<<endl<<"Welcome to Simpletron! Enter your file contains the program :";
cout<<endl<<"The filename entered is "<<sumNumberFileName;
ifstream myfile(sumNumberFileName);
while(stoi(inputLine) >= 0)
if(stoi(inputLine) <= 0)
cout<<endl<<"The sum of the values in the file is : "<<sum;
cout<<endl<<"Unable to open the file";
case 2:
cout<<endl<<"Welcome to Simpletron! Enter your file containing your program : ";
cout<<endl<<"Filename entered is : "<<averageFileName;
ifstream myfile1(averageFileName);
cout<<endl<<"The average of first 7 numbers in the file is : " <<fixed<<average;

cout<<endl<<"unable to open the file";
case 3:
cout<<endl<<"Welcome to Simpletron! Enter your file containing your program : "<<endl;
cout<<endl<<"File name entered is " <<largestNumberFile;
ifstream myfile2(largestNumberFile);
cout<<"We will be calculating the largest of first "<<inputLine2<<" numbers";
cout<<endl<<"The largest number of first "<<countfromFile <<" is "<<largest;
cout<<endl<<"Unable to open the file";
case 4:
default :
cout<<endl<<"Enter a valid choice";

return 0;   


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