
In: Operations Management

Can you thoroughy define and explain peer appraisals, rating committees, self-ratings, and appraisals by subordnates?

Can you thoroughy define and explain peer appraisals, rating committees, self-ratings, and appraisals by subordnates?


Expert Solution

Peer Appraisal: It is the feedback or rating given by your peers for your performnce and your behaviour in the team. This gives an idea of how much your team likes you and how efficient you were in gaining the confidence of your team.

Rating committees: This comittee first defines the rubrics according to which the rating is done. They set the baseline expectation from the rating system and try to clear out any dispute or grievances due to the rating system ysed

Self Ratings: It is a place where an employee can self assess themselves and rate themselves as per their performance. Here employees tend to be optimistic and rate themselves higher. But this system is meant to make you realize how the ratings behave when you are the judge of your own activites and actions.

Appraisal by subordinates: You should be your subordinates beloved. Else you may not be able to get any work done by them. Your subordinates are the barometer of your performance. Their ratings gain you loyalty from them and proves your trustworthiness when compared by your bos.

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