
In: Computer Science

Can someone covert the code into C language #include<iostream> #include<iomanip> #include<ios> using namespace std; /******************************************************************************** Function...

Can someone covert the code into C language

using namespace std;

Function name: main
Purpose:                   main function

In parameters: b,r,i
Out paramters: trun,error,total,value
Version:                   1.0
void main()
   int i;//declaring this variable to get value for quitting or calaculating series
   do {//do while loop to calaculate series until user quits
       cout << "Enter 1 to evaluate the series." << endl;
       cout << "Enter 2 to quit" << endl << endl;
       cin >> i;
       if (i == 2)
           cout << "Exiting..." << endl;
       else if (i < 1 || i> 2 )//if the user enters any value except 1 or 2
           cout << "Please enter a valid input." << endl;
           double b;//declared so user will enter proper number of terms
           do {//do while loop to ensure user enters proper number of terms
               cout << "Please enter the number of (non-zero) terms in the series (1,2,3,4,5,6)." << endl;
               cin >> b;
               cout << endl;
               if (b < 1 || b>6)//if the user entered a number that was not between 1-6
                   cout << "Incorrect number of terms." << endl;
           } while (b < 1 || b>6);
           double r;//declared to get range in between 0 and 0.9.
           do {
               cout << "Please enter the range of B to evaluate in increments (0.0 < B >=0.9)." << endl;
               cin >> r;
               if (r < 0.1 || r>0.9)//if entered number was smaller than 0 or greater than 0.9
                   cout << "Incorrect range." << endl;
           } while (r < 0.1 || r>0.9);
           cout << endl;
           cout << "MACLAURIN SERIES " << endl;
           cout << " B V(B) Series V(B) Exact Relative Error %RSerE" << endl;
           cout << "0 1 1 0 0" << endl;
           for (double x = r / 10; x <= r; x = x + r / 10)//this loop while calculate series in 10 increments
               double value = 1 / sqrt(1 - (x * x));//calculating exact value of series
               double total = 1;//variable to hold total of series,adding 1 because first value of series will always be 1
               for (int j = 2; j <= b; j++)//calculating each term in the series
                   if (j == 2)
                       total += (x * x) / 2;//factorials have already been calcuated and each term has been simplified,here we are adding value of each term
                   else if (j == 3)
                       total += (x * x * x * x * 3) / 8;
                   else if (j == 4)
                       total += (x * x * x * x * x * x * 5) / 16;
                   else if (j == 5)
                       total += (x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * 35) / 128;
                   else if (j == 6)
                       total += (x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * 63) / 256;
               double error = (value - total) / value;//calcuating relative error
               double trun = 0;//variable to hold truncative error
               if (b + 1 == 2)//these if statements will sue the first truncative term to find truncative error
                   trun = (x * x) / 2;
                   trun = trun * 100 / value;
               else if (b + 1 == 3)
                   trun = (x * x * x * x * 3) / 8;
                   trun = trun * 100 / value;
               else if (b + 1 == 4)
                   trun = (x * x * x * x * x * x * 5) / 16;
                   trun = trun * 100 / value;
               else if (b + 1 == 5)
                   trun = (x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * 35) / 128;
                   trun = trun * 100 / value;
               else if (b + 1 == 6)
                   trun = (x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * 63) / 256;
                   trun = trun * 100 / value;
                   trun = (x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * 10395) / 46080;
                   trun = trun * 100 / value;
               printf("%g", x);//print each increment
               std::cout << std::fixed;//so the values wont be rounded
               std::cout << std::setprecision(10);//so the output of each double will be to 10 decimal place
               cout << " " << total << " " << value << " ";
               std::cout << std::defaultfloat;//to get output in scientific as well as non scientific if required
               cout << error << " ";
               cout << trun << endl;
           cout << endl;
   } while (i != 2);//this loop will end when user presses 1


Expert Solution

The answer to the above problem is as follows:

  • to achieve the above result and conver the code in C,
  • change all the cout statements to printf statement
  • all the cin statements to scanf statements
  • the header files to be included changes as shown in below code
  • the using namespace std is no longer used, as its not required in C
  • and to print scientfic notation, we use %.10e as format specifier for scientific notation upto 10 decimal places
  • and to print upto 10 decimal places we use %.10lf as format specifier
  • and also, to print upto 10 decimal places without rounding off the value, we use trunc() method as shown in the code below.


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

Function name: main
Purpose: main function

In parameters: b,r,i
Out paramters: trun,error,total,value
Version: 1.0
void main()
int i;//declaring this variable to get value for quitting or calaculating series
do {//do while loop to calaculate series until user quits
printf("Enter 1 to evaluate the series.\n" );
printf("Enter 2 to quit\n\n");
if (i == 2)
else if (i < 1 || i> 2 )//if the user enters any value except 1 or 2
printf("Please enter a valid input.\n");
double b;//declared so user will enter proper number of terms
do {//do while loop to ensure user enters proper number of terms
printf("Please enter the number of (non-zero) terms in the series (1,2,3,4,5,6).\n");
if (b < 1 || b>6)//if the user entered a number that was not between 1-6
printf("Incorrect number of terms.\n");
} while (b < 1 || b>6);
double r;//declared to get range in between 0 and 0.9.
do {
printf("Please enter the range of B to evaluate in increments (0.0 < B >=0.9).\n");
if (r < 0.1 || r>0.9)//if entered number was smaller than 0 or greater than 0.9
printf("Incorrect range.\n");
} while (r < 0.1 || r>0.9);
printf("MACLAURIN SERIES \n");
//use %% in printf() statements to display a '%' sign
printf(" B V(B) Series V(B) Exact Relative Error %%RSerE\n");
printf("0 1 1 0 0\n");
for (double x = r / 10; x <= r; x = x + r / 10)//this loop while calculate series in 10 increments
double value = 1 / sqrt(1 - (x * x));//calculating exact value of series
double total = 1;//variable to hold total of series,adding 1 because first value of series will always be 1
for (int j = 2; j <= b; j++)//calculating each term in the series
if (j == 2)
total += (x * x) / 2;//factorials have already been calcuated and each term has been simplified,here we are adding value of each term
else if (j == 3)
total += (x * x * x * x * 3) / 8;
else if (j == 4)
total += (x * x * x * x * x * x * 5) / 16;
else if (j == 5)
total += (x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * 35) / 128;
else if (j == 6)
total += (x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * 63) / 256;
double error = (value - total) / value;//calcuating relative error
double trun = 0;//variable to hold truncative error
if (b + 1 == 2)//these if statements will sue the first truncative term to find truncative error
trun = (x * x) / 2;
trun = trun * 100 / value;
else if (b + 1 == 3)
trun = (x * x * x * x * 3) / 8;
trun = trun * 100 / value;
else if (b + 1 == 4)
trun = (x * x * x * x * x * x * 5) / 16;
trun = trun * 100 / value;
else if (b + 1 == 5)
trun = (x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * 35) / 128;
trun = trun * 100 / value;
else if (b + 1 == 6)
trun = (x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * 63) / 256;
trun = trun * 100 / value;
trun = (x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * 10395) / 46080;
trun = trun * 100 / value;
printf("%g", x);//print each increment
//to print values upto 10 decimal places we use %.10f as format specifier
//and to ensure that value is not rounded, we use the trunc() method of math class for 10 decimal places
printf(" %.10lf %.10lf ",trunc(total*10000000000.0)/10000000000.0,trunc(value*10000000000.0)/10000000000.0);
//display values in scientific notation if required by using %.10e format specifier
printf("%.10e %.10e\n",error,trun);
} while (i != 2);//this loop will end when user presses 1


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

Function name: main
Purpose:                   main function

In parameters: b,r,i
Out paramters: trun,error,total,value
Version:                   1.0
void main()
   int i;//declaring this variable to get value for quitting or calaculating series
   do {//do while loop to calaculate series until user quits
       printf("Enter 1 to evaluate the series.\n" );
       printf("Enter 2 to quit\n\n");
       if (i == 2)
       else if (i < 1 || i> 2 )//if the user enters any value except 1 or 2
          printf("Please enter a valid input.\n");
           double b;//declared so user will enter proper number of terms
           do {//do while loop to ensure user enters proper number of terms
              printf("Please enter the number of (non-zero) terms in the series (1,2,3,4,5,6).\n");
               if (b < 1 || b>6)//if the user entered a number that was not between 1-6
                   printf("Incorrect number of terms.\n");
           } while (b < 1 || b>6);
           double r;//declared to get range in between 0 and 0.9.
           do {
               printf("Please enter the range of B to evaluate in increments (0.0 < B >=0.9).\n");
               if (r < 0.1 || r>0.9)//if entered number was smaller than 0 or greater than 0.9
                  printf("Incorrect range.\n");
           } while (r < 0.1 || r>0.9);
           printf("MACLAURIN SERIES \n");
           //use %% in printf() statements to display a '%' sign
           printf(" B V(B) Series V(B) Exact Relative Error %%RSerE\n");
          printf("0 1 1 0 0\n");
           for (double x = r / 10; x <= r; x = x + r / 10)//this loop while calculate series in 10 increments
               double value = 1 / sqrt(1 - (x * x));//calculating exact value of series
               double total = 1;//variable to hold total of series,adding 1 because first value of series will always be 1
               for (int j = 2; j <= b; j++)//calculating each term in the series
                   if (j == 2)
                       total += (x * x) / 2;//factorials have already been calcuated and each term has been simplified,here we are adding value of each term
                   else if (j == 3)
                       total += (x * x * x * x * 3) / 8;
                   else if (j == 4)
                       total += (x * x * x * x * x * x * 5) / 16;
                   else if (j == 5)
                       total += (x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * 35) / 128;
                   else if (j == 6)
                       total += (x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * 63) / 256;
               double error = (value - total) / value;//calcuating relative error
               double trun = 0;//variable to hold truncative error
               if (b + 1 == 2)//these if statements will sue the first truncative term to find truncative error
                   trun = (x * x) / 2;
                   trun = trun * 100 / value;
               else if (b + 1 == 3)
                   trun = (x * x * x * x * 3) / 8;
                   trun = trun * 100 / value;
               else if (b + 1 == 4)
                   trun = (x * x * x * x * x * x * 5) / 16;
                   trun = trun * 100 / value;
               else if (b + 1 == 5)
                   trun = (x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * 35) / 128;
                   trun = trun * 100 / value;
               else if (b + 1 == 6)
                   trun = (x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * 63) / 256;
                   trun = trun * 100 / value;
                   trun = (x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * 10395) / 46080;
                   trun = trun * 100 / value;
               printf("%g", x);//print each increment
               //to print values upto 10 decimal places we use %.10f as format specifier
               //and to ensure that value is not rounded, we use the trunc() method of math class for 10 decimal places
               printf(" %.10lf %.10lf ",trunc(total*10000000000.0)/10000000000.0,trunc(value*10000000000.0)/10000000000.0);
              //display values in scientific notation if required by using %.10e format specifier
               printf("%.10e %.10e\n",error,trun);
   } while (i != 2);//this loop will end when user presses 1


Feel free to comment for any query.

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