
In: Psychology

Apply human rights, legal rights and moral rights to the Tennessee v. Garner case, discussing the...

Apply human rights, legal rights and moral rights to the Tennessee v. Garner case, discussing the ramifications of each. Please help


Expert Solution

Introduction- Tennessee vs. Garner is a civil case in which the Supreme Court found that the use of deadly force to prevent escape is not reasonable. The police officer used deadly force while the suspect was unarmed and tried to escape from the situation. This case changed the understanding towards criminal justice system and human rights.

Human Rights- The suspect was unarmed but police officer used deadly force, the violation of human rights experienced in this case because every person has a right to enjoy life and liberty. The police officer used their power against a citizen of America who has same human rights as the officer.

Moral Rights- Moral decision always belong to human rights and individual dignity, the police officer need to talk or question the suspect rather than use deadly force. A moral decision comes from social values but officer violated social norms.

Legal Rights- The constitution of America given fundamental rights as well as political and judicial rights to every citizen so that police officer must have given the chance to the suspects to face the criminal justice system. The office didn’t give the chance to the suspect to face court or judiciary so that we can say that the officer also violated legal rights of the suspect.


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