
In: Computer Science

i have a skeleton class and i have to fill some methods of this class. i...

i have a skeleton class and i have to fill some methods of this class. i am having difficulties especially with the findAppointment method. so this is the problem.

Implement a superclass Appointment and subclasses OneTime, Daily, and Monthly. An Appointment has a description (for example “see the dentist”) and a date. Write a method occursOn(int year, int month, int day) that checks whether the appointment occurs on that date. For example, for a monthly appointment, you must check whether the day of the month matches.   You must write: • • • •
You need to write file – a skeleton and a sample run of the program is given to you. This file has a main method

I have done all the first part. the appointment, monthly, daily, OneTime. they work fine. the appointmentBook i havent finished. here is the skeleton. please use ArrayList and i want it in java.


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Scanner;
Build on the Appointment hierarchy.
Give the user the option to add new appointments.
The user must specify the type of the appointment and
description, and then, if required, the day or date.
public class AppointmentBook
{ ................ }

Adds a new Appointment object based on user input.
@param in the Scanner to read from.
public void addAppointment(Scanner in)
{ ......................


Method to print all appointments on a certain date.
@param in the Scanner to read from.
*/ public void findAppointments(Scanner in)
{ .....................}

// Just to test the appointment book
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
AppointmentBook ab = new AppointmentBook();

System.out.println("Welcome to the Appointment Book");

boolean done = false;
while (!done)
System.out.print("Appointments: (F)ind, (A)dd, or (Q)uit: ");
String choice =;
if (choice.equals("F") || choice.equals("f"))
ab.findAppointments(new Scanner(;
else if (choice.equals("A") || choice.equals("a"))
ab.addAppointment(new Scanner(;
done = choice.equals("Q") || choice.equals("q");
System.out.println("Good bye. Have a nice day!");

***********this is the output*********

Welcome to the Appointment Book
Appointments: (F)ind, (A)dd, or (Q)uit: A
Enter type [(D)aily, (M)onthly, (O)netime] and description: D Exercise
Appointments: (F)ind, (A)dd, or (Q)uit: A
Enter type [(D)aily, (M)onthly, (O)netime] and description: D Eat dinner
Appointments: (F)ind, (A)dd, or (Q)uit: A
Enter type [(D)aily, (M)onthly, (O)netime] and description: M Pay Bills
Enter the day of the appointment: 1
Appointments: (F)ind, (A)dd, or (Q)uit: A
Enter type [(D)aily, (M)onthly, (O)netime] and description: M Pay Rent
Enter the day of the appointment: 10
Appointments: (F)ind, (A)dd, or (Q)uit: A
Enter type [(D)aily, (M)onthly, (O)netime] and description: O Visit Patagonia
Enter the date of the appointment (mm dd yyyy) : 12 01 2020
Appointments: (F)ind, (A)dd, or (Q)uit: a
Enter type [(D)aily, (M)onthly, (O)netime] and description: O Visit Norway
Enter the date of the appointment (mm dd yyyy) : 07 01 2020
Appointments: (F)ind, (A)dd, or (Q)uit: F
Enter the date (mm, dd, yyyy) to search: 09 10 2019
Eat dinner
Pay Rent
Appointments: (F)ind, (A)dd, or (Q)uit: F
Enter the date (mm, dd, yyyy) to search: 07 01 2020
Eat dinner
Pay Bills
Visit Norway
Appointments: (F)ind, (A)dd, or (Q)uit: f
Enter the date (mm, dd, yyyy) to search: 12 01 2020
Eat dinner
Pay Bills
Visit Patagonia
Appointments: (F)ind, (A)dd, or (Q)uit: q
Good bye. Have a nice day!


Expert Solution



We can have a private variable something like appointmentList
to maitain the list of appointments.

private ArrayList<Appointment> appointmentList = new ArrayList<Appointment>();


Add logic to the method addAppointment()
Build an Appointment object and add the object to the list based on the user input.


Add logic to the method findAppointments()
Iterate through the appointment list and find the appointments based on the user input.

Sample Methods Below


import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Scanner;
Build on the Appointment hierarchy.
Give the user the option to add new appointments.
The user must specify the type of the appointment and
description, and then, if required, the day or date.
public class AppointmentBook
   private ArrayList<Appointment> appointmentList = new ArrayList<Appointment>();

Adds a new Appointment object based on user input.
@param in the Scanner to read from.
   * @throws ParseException
   public void addAppointment(Scanner in) throws ParseException
       System.out.print("Enter Type: [(D)aily, (M)onthly,(O)neTime] and description: ");
       String choice =;
       Appointment a;
       try {
           if (choice.equals("D") || choice.equals("d"))
               String desc=;
               a= new Daily(desc);
           else if (choice.equals("M") || choice.equals("m"))
               String desc=;
               System.out.print("Enter the day of the appointment: ");
               int day =in.nextInt();
               a= new Monthly(desc,day);

           else {
               String desc=;
               System.out.print("Enter the day of the appointment: ");
               int day =in.nextInt();
               int month=in.nextInt();
               int year=in.nextInt();
               a= new OneTime(desc,day,month,year);
           // Adding to the appointment
       } catch (Exception e) {
           // TODO Auto-generated catch block

Method to print all appointments on a certain date.
@param in the Scanner to read from.
   */ public void findAppointments(Scanner in)
       System.out.print("Enter the dd mm yyyy: ");
       int day = in.nextInt();
       int month = in.nextInt();
       int year = in.nextInt();
       System.out.printf("\nYou have the following appointments on (%s/%s/%s):\n", day, month, year);
       for (Appointment a : appointmentList) {
           //Check if the appointment id Daily
           if (a instanceof Daily) {
           //Check if the appointment id Monthly
           else if(a instanceof Monthly) {
               Monthly m = (Monthly)a;
               if (day == m.getDay()) {
           //Check if the appointment id OneTime
           else if (a instanceof OneTime) {
               OneTime ot = (OneTime)a;
               if (day == ot.getDay() && month == ot.getMonth() && year == ot.getYear()) {

   // Just to test the appointment book
   public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException
       Scanner in = new Scanner(;
       AppointmentBook ab = new AppointmentBook();

       System.out.println("Welcome to the Appointment Book");

       boolean done = false;
       while (!done)
           System.out.print("Appointments: (F)ind, (A)dd, or (Q)uit: ");
           String choice =;
           if (choice.equals("F") || choice.equals("f"))
               ab.findAppointments(new Scanner(;
           else if (choice.equals("A") || choice.equals("a"))
               ab.addAppointment(new Scanner(;
           done = choice.equals("Q") || choice.equals("q");
       System.out.println("Good bye. Have a nice day!");


Hope this helps.

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