
In: Finance

Draft a spreadsheet showing financial history and projected performance for Nordstrom. The rows should include revenue,...

Draft a spreadsheet showing financial history and projected performance for Nordstrom. The rows should include revenue, expenses, calculated profit, and calculated profit margin. The columns should represent years: two years of history, plus three years of your reasonable future projections. Include a few sentences of key assumptions and conclusions. The spreadsheet must have accurate calculations and look professional on screen and when printed (including a heading and meaningful number formatting).

Income Statement

All numbers in thousands

Revenue 2/2/2019 2/3/2018 1/28/2017 1/30/2016
Total Revenue 15,860,000 15,478,000 14,757,000 14,437,000
Cost of Revenue 10,155,000 9,890,000 9,440,000 9,333,000
Gross Profit 5,705,000 5,588,000 5,317,000 5,104,000
Operating Expenses
Research Development - - - -
Selling General and Administrative 4,796,000 4,662,000 4,315,000 3,957,000
Non Recurring - - - -
Others - - - -
Total Operating Expenses 14,951,000 14,552,000 13,755,000 13,290,000
Operating Income or Loss 909,000 926,000 1,002,000 1,147,000
Income from Continuing Operations
Total Other Income/Expenses Net -176,000 -136,000 -318,000 -171,000
Earnings Before Interest and Taxes 909,000 926,000 1,002,000 1,147,000
Interest Expense -119,000 -141,000 -122,000 -112,000
Income Before Tax 733,000 790,000 684,000 976,000
Income Tax Expense 169,000 353,000 330,000 376,000
Minority Interest - - - -
Net Income From Continuing Ops 564,000 437,000 354,000 600,000
Non-recurring Events
Discontinued Operations - - - -
Extraordinary Items - - - -
Effect Of Accounting Changes - - - -
Other Items - - - -
Net Income
Net Income 564,000 437,000 354,000 600,000
Preferred Stock And Other Adjustments - - - -
Net Income Applicable To Common Shares 564,000 437,000 354,000 600,000


Expert Solution

1 2 3 4=(3-2)/2 5 6=(5-3)/3 7 8=(7-5)/5 9=(4+6+8)/3 10=7*(1+Col.9%) 11=10*(1+Col.9%) 12=11*(1+Col.9%)


1/30/2016 1/28/2017 Change%(2017-2016)/2016 2/3/2018 Change%(2018-2017)/2017 2/2/2019 Change%(2019-2018)/2018 Av. Change% 2/2/2020 2/2/2021 2/2/2022
Total Revenue 14,437,000 14,757,000 2.22% 15,478,000 4.89% 15,860,000 2.47% 3.19% 16365953 16888047 17426796
Cost of Revenue 9,333,000 9,440,000 1.15% 9,890,000 4.77% 10,155,000 2.68% 2.86% 10445869 10745070 11052841
Gross Profit 5,104,000 5,317,000 4.17% 5,588,000 5.10% 5,705,000 2.09% 3.79% 5920084 6142977 6373955
Operating Expenses
Research Development 0
Selling General and Admn. 3,957,000 4,315,000 9.05% 4,662,000 8.04% 4,796,000 2.87% 6.65% 5115146 5455530 5818564
Non Recurring 0
Others 0
Total Operating Expenses 13,290,000 13,755,000 3.50% 14,552,000 5.79% 14,951,000 2.74% 4.01% 15561016 16200600 16871405
Operating Income or Loss 1,147,000 1,002,000 -12.64% 926,000 -7.58% 909,000 -1.84% -7.35% 804938 687447 555391
Income from Cont.Operations
Total Other Inc./Exp. Net -176,000 -318,000 80.68% -136,000 -57.23% -176,000 29.41% 17.62% -207012 -243488 -286391
Earnings Before Int. and Taxes 1,147,000 1,002,000 -12.64% 926,000 -7.58% 909,000 -1.84% -7.35% 804938 687447 555391
Interest Expense -112,000 -122,000 8.93% -141,000 15.57% -119,000 -15.60% 2.97% -122530 -126165 -129908
Income Before Tax 971,000 684,000 -29.56% 790,000 15.50% 733,000 -7.22% -7.09% 597926 443959 269000
Income Tax Expense 376,000 330,000 -12.23% 353,000 6.97% 169,000 -52.12% -19.13% 136671 110526 89383
Minority Interest 0
Net Income From Cont. Ops 595,000 354,000 -40.50% 437,000 23.45% 564,000 29.06% 4.00% 461255 333433 179617
Non-recurring Events
Discontinued Operations
Extraordinary Items
Effect Of Accounting Changes
Other Items
Net Income
Net Income 595,000 354,000 -40.50% 437,000 23.45% 564,000 29.06% 4.00% 461255 333433 179617
Preferred Stock & Other Adj. 0 0 0 0
Net Inc.Appl. To Common Shs. 595,000 354,000 -40.50% 437,000 23.45% 564,000 29.06% 4.00% 461255 333433 179617

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