
In: Operations Management

List the factors influencing worker motivation that are under managers' control (Submits a thorough explanation of...

List the factors influencing worker motivation that are under managers' control

(Submits a thorough explanation of more than three influences managers can control to support worker motivation. This should also provide some motivational theories and or strategies used in organizations today)


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Factors that influence worker motivation under manager control include salary of the employee, rewards, higher responsibilities, growth opportunities and a good working environment.

Salary: Managers have great role in deciding salary increment for the workers and according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the basic needs that should be satisfied to motivate the employees include the physiological needs and salary is the main physiological need of the workers. The managers should ensure fair distribution of wages because if the employees find unequal distribution of wages among each other, they may feel de-motivated and adjust their work accordingly as per equity theory. It is found that employees work harder if they are offered with a pay rise according to expectancy theory and managers can motivate the worker by offering good salary hike for good performance.

Reward: Rewards are another important factor that can be controlled by the managers. Rewards act as a motivator factor that leads to job satisfaction when the employees feel recognized for their work according to Hertzberg’s two factor theory. Managers can decide which employee should be rewarded and can ensure motivation to other employees as well when the high performing employees are rewarded significantly.

Higher responsibilities: Higher responsibilities also motivate the employees by acting as a motivator factor and starts working hard. Managers have the authority to delegate work and can identify the employees who can be motivated by giving more responsibilities in job.

Growth opportunities: Growth opportunities comes under the higher order needs of the employees and managers need to ensure suffiecient growth opportunities for the subordinates by discussing with the top management. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs as well as Alderfer’s ERG theory states the importance of growth opportunities in meeting the self actualization needs of the employees.

Good work environment: The work environment can be made better by the managers by ensuring proper support to the team members and ensuring a friendly environment. Social needs of the employees according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs can be satisfied through providing better environment and employees would feel committed towards the organization.

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