
In: Computer Science

Write a program in C++ that Copies Story.txt to DuplicateStory.txt. Each line in Story.txt will be...

Write a program in C++ that Copies Story.txt to DuplicateStory.txt. Each line in Story.txt will be written three times in DuplicateStory.txt.


Expert Solution


Note: To run program your Story.txt file need to be in same folder where program file is stored.


using namespace std;
int main()
string str;
ifstream infile{"Story.txt"}; //creating input file stream object
ofstream outfile{"DuplicateStory.txt"};//creating output file stream object
   if(infile && outfile)// validate both files
while(getline(infile,str))//read line from input file upto the end
outfile << str << "\n";//writing line 1st time
           outfile << str << "\n";//writing line 2nd time
           outfile << str << "\n";//writing line 3rd time
cout << "File copied successfully \n";
} else //if error with any file
printf("Cannot read File");
infile.close();//Closing file Story.txt
outfile.close();//Closing file DuplicateStory.txt
return 0;


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