
In: Computer Science

Complete the provided partial C++ Linked List program. Main.cpp is given and Link list header file...

Complete the provided partial C++ Linked List program. Main.cpp is given and Link list header file is also given. The given testfile listmain.cpp is given for demonstration of unsorted list functionality. The functions header file is also given. Complete the functions of the header file linked_list.h below.


// listmain.cpp

#include "Linked_List.h"

int main(int argc, char **argv)
     float           f;
     Linked_List *theList;

     cout << "Simple List Demonstration\n";
     cout << "(List implemented as an Array - Do not try this at home)\n\n";
     cout << "Create a list and add a few tasks to the list";

     theList = new Linked_List(); // Instantiate a list object

     theList->Insert(5, 3.1f); // Note: The argument to the funtion should be a float
     theList->Insert(1, 5.6f); // A constant real number like 3.1 is interpreted as
     theList->Insert(3, 8.3f); // a double unless it is explicitly defined as a float
     theList->Insert(2, 7.4f); // by adding an 'f' to the end of the number.
     theList->Insert(4, 2.5f);

     // Show what is in the list

     // Test the list length function
     cout << "\nList now contains " << theList->ListLength() << "items.\n\n";

     // Test delete function
     cout << "Testing delete of last item in list.\n";

     // Test delete function
     cout << "Testing delete of first item in list.\n";

     // Test delete function
     cout << "Testing delete of a middle item in list.\n";

     // Test delete function with a known failure argument
     cout << "Testing failure in delete function.\n";
          cout << "Oops! Should not have been able to delete.\n";
          cout << "Unable to locate item to delete.\n";

     // Test search (known failure)
     cout << "Testing Search function. Search for key 3\n";
     if(theList->Search(3, &f))
          cout << "Search result: theData = %f\n", f;
          cout << "Search result: Unable to locate item in list\n";

     // Test search (known success)
     cout << "Testing Search function. Search for key 2\n";
     if(theList->Search(2, &f))
          cout << "Search result: theData = " << f << "\n";
          cout << "Search result: Unable to locate item in list\n";

     cout << "\n\nEnd list demonstration...";

     return 0;


// linked_list.h functions

using namespace std;

// Define a structure to use as the list item
struct ListItem
     int      key;         
     float    theData;
      ListItem *next;

class Linked_List
          ListItem *head;               // Pointer to head of the list

          Linked_List();               // Class constructor
          ~Linked_List();              // Class destuctor
          void ClearList();             // Remove all items from the list
          bool Insert(int key, float f);// Add an item to the list
          bool Delete(int key);         // Delete an item from the list
          bool Search(int key, float *retVal); // Search for an item in the list
          int ListLength();             // Return number of items in list
          bool isEmpty();               // Return true if list is empty
          bool isFull();                // Return true if list is full
          void PrintList();             // Print all items in the list

#endif // End of list header


Expert Solution

// linked_list.h functions

using namespace std;

// Define a structure to use as the list item
struct ListItem
     int      key;         
     float    theData;
      ListItem *next;

class Linked_List

// Pointer to head of the list
          ListItem *head;


// Class constructor



// Class destuctor



  // Remove all items from the list
          void ClearList()


/* deref href to get real head */

   struct node* current = *href;

   struct node* next;

   while (current != NULL)


       next = current->next;


       current = next;



   /* deref href to affect real head back

      in the caller. */

   *href = NULL;


// Add an item to the list
          bool Insert(int key, float f)


int i;

    struct ListItem *temp,*left,*right;







    temp=(struct ListItem *)malloc(sizeof(struct ListItem));





    return bool;


  // Delete an item from the list
          bool Delete(int key)


struct ListItem *temp, *prev;










        return bool;






        return bool;






        temp= temp->next;



    return bool;


// Search for an item in the list
          bool Search(int key, float *retVal)



// Return number of items in list
          int ListLength();


    struct ListItem *n;

    int c=0;







    return c;


          bool isEmpty();               // Return true if list is empty


    struct node *n;

    int c=0;







if(c==0) return 1;

else 0;


          bool isFull();                // Return true if list is full
          void PrintList() // Print all items in the list




#endif // End of list header

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