How are the three versions of the Solow Growth Model
Why do you think we...
How are the three versions of the Solow Growth Model
Why do you think we need three different versions of the same
model? (Hint: Steady-state growth rates)
What is convergence and conditional convergence? Give examples.
How are the three versions of the Solow Growth Model
Why do you think we need three different versions of the same
model? (Hint: Steady-state growth rates)
What is convergence and conditional convergence? Give
How are the three versions of the Solow Growth Model
Why do you think we need three different versions of the same
model? (Hint: Steady-state growth rates)
What is convergence and conditional convergence? Give
Which of the following is true about the Solow Growth Model?
a. In the Solow Growth model consumption per person always rises
as k rises
b. At a steady state the economy keeps growing with aggregate K,
Y, C for example all rising over time
c. At steady state the following condition must always hold at
k*: sy=(n+d)k
d. When the economy is below steady-state level of
capital-per-worker then savings per worker is higher than breakeven
e. Golden rule...
In the Solow growth model, if we assume the standard properties
of the production technology, which are discussed in class, the
economy tends to move toward the steady state with positive capital
stock per worker.
Using the Solow model, illustrate and explain why a nation with
a higher population growth
rate might have a lower
per capita GDP than a comparable nation with a lower rate of
population growth.
Question 8
Evolution of the Solow Model.
In introducing constant technological growth, the General Solow
Model addressed what weakness of the Basic Solow Model.
Introducing the Human Capital Model helped address what 2
weaknesses of the General Solow Model.