
In: Computer Science

How would you go about writing a MATLAB program to convert a phrase in Pig Latin...

How would you go about writing a MATLAB program to convert a phrase in Pig Latin to English. I have already written a script that converts phrases from English into Pig Latin; however, I am not sure how to reverse the process. Can anyone who know's MATLAB please help me out, thank you?

P.S. I know that this is an unambigious task so it doesn't have to work completely well. With the most minor assumptions made, if it could covert for example ogday -> dog, that would be great. Thank you


Expert Solution


PigLatin is not unique in case of ‘ay’ as last character

Example 1: ogday

It can be: dog,gdo

Dog à ogday

Gdo à ogday

Example 2: ootshay

It can be hoots,shoot,tshoo

Hoots à ootshay


Tshoo àootshay


str="appleway";   % PigLatin word

if (str(len-2)=='w') && (str(len-1)=='a') && (str(len)=='y')

if (str(len-1)=='a') && (str(len)=='y') && (str(len-2)!='w')

while (str(len-i)!='a') && (str(len-i)!='e') && (str(len-i)!='i') && (str(len-i)!='o') && (str(len-i)!='u')



case1 :str="appleway";

Translation = apple

case 2: str="ootshay";

Translation = hoots
Translation = shoot
Translation = tshoo

case 3:str="ogday";

Translation = dog
Translation = gdo

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