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Discrete Math An AZ is a string of English letters with the property that every ‘a’...

Discrete Math

An AZ is a string of English letters with the property that every ‘a’ in the string precedes every ‘z’ in the string.

For example, each of these strings is an AZ:




zipper (we don’t promise a appears)

cassette (we don’t promise z appears)

monkey (we don’t promise any a or z appears at all)

None of these strings is an AZ:





Find a recurrence and appropriate initial conditions for the number of AZzes of length n, n ≥ 0.

Give a brief justification why your recurrence is correct. (I’m not looking for a proof, but you do need to explain yourself.) For your initial conditions, use as many as you need, but no more.


Expert Solution

Assuming that strings are made out of 26 Lower case latin alphabets. Any possible AZ string can be one of the 4 types from the following :-

1. String with 0 'a' and 0 'z' Eg : - weryufg

2. String with atleast 1 'a' and 0 'z' Eg :- khabgaaxy

3. String with atleast 1 'z' and 0 'a' Eg :- pxyzktzzce

4. String with atleast 1 'a' followed by atleast 1 'z' Eg : - xyakbaayzzztopzi

Hence , to find number of AZes of length n , we need to find the sum of the number of strings of Type1, Type2 , Type3 and Type 4.

Let the number of strings of Type i of length be N be denoted by SN[i] . Following Base case can be derieved.

Base Case : -

N = 1

S1[1] = 24 (all letters except 'a' and 'z')

S1[2] = 1 (Since length is 1 and we need atleast one 'a'. Hence only 'a')

S1[3] = 1 (Since length is 1 and we need atleast one 'z'. Hence only 'z')

S1[4] = 0 (Since length is 1 and we need atleast one 'a' and atleast 1 'z'. Hence it is impossible)

Recurrence Relation

N > 1

1. N letters except 'a' and 'z' means N-1 letters except 'a' and 'z' and 24 remaining choices for the Nth position

Hence , SN[1] = 24 * SN-1[1]

2. N letters with atleast 1 'a' and 0 'z' means N-1 letters with atleast 1 'a' and 0 'z' and there are 25 valid letters (all letters except 'z' ) for the Nth position.

N letters with atleast 1 'a' and 0 'z' means N-1 letters with 0 'a' and 0 'z' and the Nth letter is 'a'

Hence , SN[2] = 25 * SN-1[2] + SN-1[1]

3. N letters with atleast 1 'z' and 0 'z' means N-1 letters with atleast 1 'z' and 0 'z' and there are 25 valid letters (all letters except 'z' ) for the Nth position.

N letters with atleast 1 'a' and 0 'z' means N-1 letters with 0 'a' and 0 'z' and the Nth letter is 'z'

Hence , SN[3] = 25 * SN-1[3] + SN-1[1]

4. N letters with atleast 1 'a' and atlleast 1 'z' means N-1 letters with atleast 1 'a' and 1 'z' and there are 25 valid letters (all letters except 'a' ) for the Nth position. {It is necessary to not include 'a' beause all a must preceed all z}.

N letters with atleast 1 'a' and atlleast 1 'z' also means N-1 letters with atleast 1 'a' and 0 'z' and the Nth position is filled by 'z'

Hence ,SN[4] = 25 * SN-1[4] + SN-1[2]  

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