Consumer Protection:
This refers to the act of providing safeguards to buyers. It is
aimed at ensuring that the buyer is not manipulated in any way by
the seller. Consumer protection laws have been put in place to
sensitize the public on the importance of conducting ethical and
legal business.
The laws that need to be put in place include:
- Restriction of unqualified accountants. There should be laws
and regulations put in place to restrict inexperienced and
unprofessional accountants in the industry. There are cases where
the accountants that are not qualified are confirmed to provide
accounting services. For this reason, there should be strict
regulations put in place to ensure that only fully qualified
accountants are approved. The public should access information
regarding the expertise of a given accountant. This will enable
consumers to receive professional services.
- The law regarding the validity of accounting reports. Although
the accounting reports follow many standards, there are instances
that such reports may not be reliable, even after an auditor's
reports assurance. Therefore, for this reason, there should be laws
put in place to ensure that reports of an organization are valid or
not. Before the reports are released to the public for consumption,
there should be a final process put in place to verify and validate
the reports. This would protect the public from false accounting
reports and poor accounting services.
- Verification and authentication of accountants. Apart from the
professional bodies, there should be other laws that verify the
authenticity of accountants right from college. This is for the
reason that many accountants fraudulently graduated from college
and are now confirmed as professional accountants. There should be
laws to ensure that only genuine accountants exist in the industry
who would provide quality services to the consumer.