
In: Computer Science

This is in JAVA Bank Accounts 01: Child Classes Copy the following SimpleBankAccount class and use...

This is in JAVA

Bank Accounts 01: Child Classes

Copy the following SimpleBankAccount class and use it as a base class:

 * Simple representation of a bank account
 * @author Jo Belle
 * @version 0.5 (10/12/2020)

import java.text.NumberFormat;

public class SimpleBankAccount{
    // fields (instance variables)
    private double balance;
    private String accountId;

     * Constructor for objects of class SimpleBankAccount
    public SimpleBankAccount(){
        balance = 0.0;
        accountId = "";

     * Constructor for objects of class SimpleBankAccount
    public SimpleBankAccount( double bal, String id ){
        balance = bal;
         accountId = id;

     * Add money to the balance
     * @param  amount the amount to deposit
     * @return void
    public void deposit( double amount ){
        balance += amount;

     * Remove money from the balance
     * @param  amount the amount to withdraw
     * @return true (success) or false (failure)
    public boolean withdraw( double amount ){
        if( balance - amount >= 0 ){
            balance -= amount;
            return true;
            return false;

     * Get the balance
     * @return the balance
    public double getBalance(){
         return balance;

     * Set account ID
     * @param the account ID
    public void setAccountId(String id){
         accountId = id;

     * Get the account ID
     * @return the account ID
    public String getAccountId(){
         return accountId;

     * Produces a string represenation of the balance
     * @return The balance (with a label)
    public String toString( ){
        // display balance as currency
        String balanceStr = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance().format( balance );
        return "Balance for account " + accountId + ": " + balanceStr + "\n";

Include at least two classes: CheckingAccount and SavingsAccount. Save your CheckingAccount class in a file named and your SavingsAccount class in a file named Your CheckingAccount class needs to add a field to track the last processed check number. Also include both a no-argument constructor and a parameterized constructor (that takes a double and a String). Furthermore, include the following method:

public boolean processCheck( int checkNum, double amount );

which returns false if checkNum has the same check number as the last check processed, otherwise it reduces the balance by amount and returns true.
Your SavingsAccount class needs to have a field for the interest rate. Also include both a constructor that just takes the interest rate (as a double) and a parameterized constructor (that takes a double, String and a double). Furthermore, include an applyInterest() method that multiples the current balance by the interest rate, and adds that to the balance.
The following code should work and produce the output below:

 * Exercises the basic functionality of a Checking and SavingsAccount
 * @author Jo Belle
 * @version 0.3 (10/12/2020)
public class AccountsDriver{
    final public static double INTEREST_RATE = 0.01;  // 1%

    public static void main( String[] args ){
        CheckingAccount checking = new CheckingAccount( 100.0, "checking123" );
        SavingsAccount savings = new SavingsAccount( 1000.0, "savings124", INTEREST_RATE );

        double monthlyExpenses = 756.34;
        int electricBillCheckNum = 2123;
        double electricBill = 60.34;
        int registationCheckNum = 2124;
        double registration = 50.00;
        double dinnerMoney = 55.32;
        double futureCar = 200.0;
        double textbook = 90.0;

        // checking account transactions
        checking.deposit( monthlyExpenses );
        checking.processCheck( electricBillCheckNum, electricBill );
        checking.withdraw( dinnerMoney );
        checking.processCheck( registationCheckNum, registration );
        System.out.print( checking.toString() );
        System.out.println( );

        // savings account transactions
        savings.deposit( futureCar );
        savings.applyInterest( );
        savings.withdraw( textbook );
        System.out.print( savings.toString() );
        System.out.println( );


Checking Account:
Balance for account checking123: $690.68
Last processed check number: 2124

Savings Account:
Balance for account savings124: $1,122.00
APR: 1.0%

Make just the necessary changes to the code in SimpleBankAccount to complete the instructions.
Submit the following files:


Bank Accounts 02: Overriding 1

Building off of the Bank Accounts 01 practice assignment above, in your CheckingAccount and SavingsAccount classes, override the toString() method. Additionally include a call to SimpleBankAccount's toString() method. Use the appropriate annotation to designate that you're expecting this method to override another method.
Submit the following files:


Bank Accounts 03: Overriding 2

Building off of the Bank Accounts 01 practice assignment above, add an equals() method that returns true if all of the fields match and false otherwise. The Object class has the following method:

public boolean equals( Object obj )

To override this method, you must have the same method header. Additionally, to use the fields of the class that overrides the method, you need to cast the parameter to the current class.
Your equals methods should work so that the following code will execute, but not display anything:

 * Exercises equals()
 * @author Jo Belle
 * @version 0.1 (10/12/2020)
public class BankAccounts03{
    final public static double INTEREST_RATE = 0.01;  // 1%

    public static void main( String[] args ){
        CheckingAccount checking = new CheckingAccount( 100.0, "checking123" );
        SavingsAccount savings = new SavingsAccount( 1000.0, "savings124", INTEREST_RATE );

        CheckingAccount checkingCopy = new CheckingAccount( 100.0, "checking123" );
        SavingsAccount savingsCopy = new SavingsAccount( 1000.0, "savings124", INTEREST_RATE );

        if( checking.equals( checkingCopy ) == false ){
            System.err.println("ERROR: The following objects are equal:");
            System.err.println( checking );
            System.err.println( checkingCopy );

        if( savings.equals( savingsCopy ) == false ){
            System.err.println("ERROR: The following objects are equal:");
            System.err.println( savings );
            System.err.println( savingsCopy );

        int electricBillCheckNum = 2123;
        double electricBill = 60.34;
        double futureCar = 200.0;

        checking.processCheck( electricBillCheckNum, electricBill );

        savings.deposit( futureCar );
        savings.applyInterest( );

        if( checking.equals( checkingCopy ) == true ){
            System.err.println("ERROR: The following objects are NOT equal:");
            System.err.println( checking );
            System.err.println( checkingCopy );

        if( savings.equals( savingsCopy ) == true ){
            System.err.println("ERROR: The following objects are NOT equal:");
            System.err.println( savings );
            System.err.println( savingsCopy );

Submit the following files:



Expert Solution

Solution to the above problem is given below.

 * Simple representation of a bank account
 * @author Jo Belle
 * @version 0.5 (10/12/2020)
import java.text.NumberFormat;

public class SimpleBankAccount{
    // fields (instance variables)
    private double balance;
    private String accountId;

     * Constructor for objects of class SimpleBankAccount
    public SimpleBankAccount(){
        balance = 0.0;
        accountId = "";

     * Constructor for objects of class SimpleBankAccount
    public SimpleBankAccount( double bal, String id ){
        balance = bal;
         accountId = id;

     * Add money to the balance
     * @param  amount the amount to deposit
     * @return void
    public void deposit( double amount ){
        balance += amount;

     * Remove money from the balance
     * @param  amount the amount to withdraw
     * @return true (success) or false (failure)
    public boolean withdraw( double amount ){
        if( balance - amount >= 0 ){
            balance -= amount;
            return true;
            return false;

     * Get the balance
     * @return the balance
    public double getBalance(){
         return balance;

     * Set account ID
     * @param the account ID
    public void setAccountId(String id){
         accountId = id;

     * Get the account ID
     * @return the account ID
    public String getAccountId(){
         return accountId;

     * Produces a string represenation of the balance
     * @return The balance (with a label)
    public String toString( ){
        // display balance as currency
        String balanceStr = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance().format( balance );
        return "Balance for account " + accountId + ": " + balanceStr + "\n";

public class CheckingAccount extends SimpleBankAccount{
        private int lastProcessedCheckNumber;

        public CheckingAccount() {
                // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

         * @param bal
         * @param id
        public CheckingAccount(double bal, String id) {
                super(bal, id);
                // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
         * @return the lastProcessedCheckNumber
        public int getLastProcessedCheckNumber() {
                return lastProcessedCheckNumber;

         * @param lastProcessedCheckNumber the lastProcessedCheckNumber to set
        public void setLastProcessedCheckNumber(int lastProcessedCheckNumber) {
                this.lastProcessedCheckNumber = lastProcessedCheckNumber;

        public boolean processCheck( int checkNum, double amount ) {
                if(checkNum == this.lastProcessedCheckNumber) {
                        return false;
                this.lastProcessedCheckNumber = checkNum;
                return true;

        public String toString() {
                return "CheckingAccount [lastProcessedCheckNumber=" + lastProcessedCheckNumber + "]";


public class SavingsAccount extends SimpleBankAccount{
        private double interestRate;

        public SavingsAccount() {
                // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

         * @return the interestRate
        public double getInterestRate() {
                return interestRate;

         * @param interestRate the interestRate to set
        public void setInterestRate(double interestRate) {
                this.interestRate = interestRate;

         * @param bal
         * @param id
        public SavingsAccount(double bal, String id, double interestRate) {
                super(bal, id);
                this.interestRate = interestRate;
        // method to apply interest rate
        public double applyInterest() {
                return super.getBalance() + super.getBalance()*interestRate;

        public String toString() {
                return "SavingsAccount [interestRate=" + interestRate + "]";


After making BankAccount02 modifications:

 * Simple representation of a bank account
 * @author Jo Belle
 * @version 0.5 (10/12/2020)
import java.text.NumberFormat;

public class SimpleBankAccount{
    // fields (instance variables)
    private double balance;
    private String accountId;

     * Constructor for objects of class SimpleBankAccount
    public SimpleBankAccount(){
        balance = 0.0;
        accountId = "";

     * Constructor for objects of class SimpleBankAccount
    public SimpleBankAccount( double bal, String id ){
        balance = bal;
         accountId = id;

     * Add money to the balance
     * @param  amount the amount to deposit
     * @return void
    public void deposit( double amount ){
        balance += amount;

     * Remove money from the balance
     * @param  amount the amount to withdraw
     * @return true (success) or false (failure)
    public boolean withdraw( double amount ){
        if( balance - amount >= 0 ){
            balance -= amount;
            return true;
            return false;

     * Get the balance
     * @return the balance
    public double getBalance(){
         return balance;

     * Set account ID
     * @param the account ID
    public void setAccountId(String id){
         accountId = id;

     * Get the account ID
     * @return the account ID
    public String getAccountId(){
         return accountId;

     * Produces a string represenation of the balance
     * @return The balance (with a label)
    public String toString( ){
        // display balance as currency
        String balanceStr = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance().format( balance );
        return "Balance for account " + accountId + ": " + balanceStr + "\n";

public class CheckingAccount extends SimpleBankAccount{
        private int lastProcessedCheckNumber;

        public CheckingAccount() {
                // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

         * @param bal
         * @param id
        public CheckingAccount(double bal, String id) {
                super(bal, id);
                // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
         * @return the lastProcessedCheckNumber
        public int getLastProcessedCheckNumber() {
                return lastProcessedCheckNumber;

         * @param lastProcessedCheckNumber the lastProcessedCheckNumber to set
        public void setLastProcessedCheckNumber(int lastProcessedCheckNumber) {
                this.lastProcessedCheckNumber = lastProcessedCheckNumber;

        public boolean processCheck( int checkNum, double amount ) {
                if(checkNum == this.lastProcessedCheckNumber) {
                        return false;
                this.lastProcessedCheckNumber = checkNum;
                return true;

        public String toString() {
                return super.toString()+"CheckingAccount [lastProcessedCheckNumber=" + lastProcessedCheckNumber + "]";


public class SavingsAccount extends SimpleBankAccount{
        private double interestRate;

        public SavingsAccount() {
                // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

         * @return the interestRate
        public double getInterestRate() {
                return interestRate;

         * @param interestRate the interestRate to set
        public void setInterestRate(double interestRate) {
                this.interestRate = interestRate;

         * @param bal
         * @param id
        public SavingsAccount(double bal, String id, double interestRate) {
                super(bal, id);
                this.interestRate = interestRate;
        // method to apply interest rate
        public double applyInterest() {
                return super.getBalance() + super.getBalance()*interestRate;

        public String toString() {
                return super.toString()+ "SavingsAccount [interestRate=" + interestRate + "]";


Output BankAccount02:

Output for AccountsDriver class:

Output for BankAccount03:

End of Solution

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