- The economic data is the
Country Economical situation Indicator or we can say that it
describe the GDP ( Gross domestic product), Nation stock market ,
Nation wealth or Taxation or revenues . Basically it provide the
overview of the stability of a country in the international level
.Therefore the economic data of past , present will definitely is
very useful for the future Indication of well being of a country or
its survival.
- The federal budget as we
know is the Govt. estimate of spendign or revenues that happen in
one fiscal year or financial year before the new budget .This also
is based on the economic data.
- The Economic data is the
most powerful tool for the estinmation of federal budget whihc
ultimately had to deal with our countrys economy as it tell us
following things
- Economic data of Health
- Economic data of
- Economic data of
Child welfare
- Economic data of
Oublic and private sector etc and lot more
- Therefore economic
data is always had a big role in determining the effect of federal
budget on our economy as the economic data of month , year , week
or decade provide a way through whihc the economist are able to
predict the pros and cons of propose federal budget and it effect
on the present economy .This way it help in the deeper analysis of
Federal budget effect on our country economy
I hope that you have your
concepts clear on this problem
Have a good