
In: Computer Science

JAVA *** All data structures, including array operations, queues, stacks, linked lists, trees, etc need to...


*** All data structures, including array operations, queues, stacks, linked lists, trees, etc need to be implemented by you.

Write a menu driven program that implements the following Binary Search Tree Operations

  • FIND (item)
  • INSERT (item)
  • DELETE (item)
  • DELETE_TREE (delete all nodes - be careful with the traversal!)


Expert Solution

Binary Search Tree

Binary Search Tree, is a node-based binary tree data structure which has the following properties:

  • The left subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys lesser than the node’s key.
  • The right subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys greater than the node’s key.
  • The left and right subtree each must also be a binary search tree.
    There must be no duplicate nodes.


public class BinarySearchTree {
   public static Node root;
   public BinarySearchTree(){
       this.root = null;
   public boolean find(int id){
       Node current = root;
               return true;
           }else if(>id){
               current = current.left;
               current = current.right;
       return false;
   public boolean delete(int id){
       Node parent = root;
       Node current = root;
       boolean isLeftChild = false;
           parent = current;
               isLeftChild = true;
               current = current.left;
               isLeftChild = false;
               current = current.right;
           if(current ==null){
               return false;
       //if i am here that means we have found the node
       //Case 1: if node to be deleted has no children
       if(current.left==null && current.right==null){
               root = null;
           if(isLeftChild ==true){
               parent.left = null;
               parent.right = null;
       //Case 2 : if node to be deleted has only one child
       else if(current.right==null){
               root = current.left;
           }else if(isLeftChild){
               parent.left = current.left;
               parent.right = current.left;
       else if(current.left==null){
               root = current.right;
           }else if(isLeftChild){
               parent.left = current.right;
               parent.right = current.right;
       }else if(current.left!=null && current.right!=null){
           //now we have found the minimum element in the right sub tree
           Node successor   = getSuccessor(current);
               root = successor;
           }else if(isLeftChild){
               parent.left = successor;
               parent.right = successor;
           successor.left = current.left;
       return true;      
   public Node getSuccessor(Node deleleNode){
       Node successsor =null;
       Node successsorParent =null;
       Node current = deleleNode.right;
           successsorParent = successsor;
           successsor = current;
           current = current.left;
       //check if successor has the right child, it cannot have left child for sure
       // if it does have the right child, add it to the left of successorParent.
//       successsorParent
           successsorParent.left = successsor.right;
           successsor.right = deleleNode.right;
       return successsor;
   public void insert(int id){
       Node newNode = new Node(id);
           root = newNode;
       Node current = root;
       Node parent = null;
           parent = current;
               current = current.left;
                   parent.left = newNode;
               current = current.right;
                   parent.right = newNode;
   // Function to display data
   public void display(Node root){
           System.out.print("\n" +;

// Function to delete tree
public Node deleteTree(Node root) {
if(null == root) {
return null;
root.left = deleteTree(root.left);
root.right = deleteTree(root.right);
root = null;
return root;

   public static void main(String arg[]){
       BinarySearchTree b = new BinarySearchTree();
       System.out.println("Original Tree : ");
       //find function will return true or false
       System.out.println("Check whether Node with value 12 exists : " + b.find(12));
       System.out.println("Check whether Node with value 10 exists : " + b.find(10));
       //node deletion
       System.out.println("Delete Node with no children (2) : " + b.delete(2));      
       System.out.println("\n Delete Node with one child (4) : " + b.delete(4));      
       System.out.println("\n Delete Node with Two children (10) : " + b.delete(10));      
   // tree deletion
       Node node = b.deleteTree(root);
if(null == node) {
System.out.println("\n Binary tree deleted successfully");
} else {
System.out.println("\n Error: Could not delete tree successfully");

class Node{
   int data;
   Node left;
   Node right;  
   public Node(int data){ = data;
       left = null;
       right = null;


I hope you will find it helpful.

Thanks for reading!

Have a wonderful day!

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