In: Economics
Answer: As a CEO of one of the company to earn the tender would fix the cost at the lower end i.e $1.5 M so as to ensure normal profits. Making sure that the company gets 50% of the project. (which will ensure normal profits)
TC = TR (Total cost = total revenue) - Normal profit condition.
Here it should be noted that in TC we are considering the reward for all 4 factors of production ( i,.e land labour capital and entrepreur)
In total cost i.e TC normal profits are inclusive as it is a reward given to the entrepreur for his risk taking capacity.
Whereas if we fix the price below $1.5M it would lead to subnormal profits or losses.
TC > TR (Total cost > Total revenue) - sunbnormal profits - wherein the cost price is less than $1.5M
Viceversa if we fix the price $2 M the competitor may get 75% of the tender and our company will get only 25% of the project value which again would be a loss to the company.