
In: Operations Management

What are your specific career goals? What professional skills are needed to get where you want...

  1. What are your specific career goals?
  2. What professional skills are needed to get where you want to go?
  3. What professional skills do you already have and what do you need to work on?
  4. How you will accomplish your goals?
  5. What is your timeline for accomplishing your specific targets and goals?


Expert Solution

1) As I am a post-graduate in the master of business administration and working with a multinational company in the sales and marketing department and my specific career goal to establish a marketing and agency.

2) Professional skills that is requiring like MBA degree and good market experience with strong market relationships. An experienced professional can do better for marketing and sales agency and create a good market value and goodwill.

3) I will strongly established my firm in the market and through professional experience achieve market leadership. Through product differentiation, I will create my firm strong image in the market and enjoy the leadership.

4) The professional's skills that I have already like professionals degree, market experience and relationships in the market. I have to acquire skills like attractive business presentation in front of the client and achieving tactics that influence the clients to engage a business deal with our agency.

5) Accomplishing our goals shall not an easy job and I need to work hard and keep targeting the goals with a positive attitude and high level of commitment. I shall need a strong strategy, communication, teamwork and planning to accomplish the goals.

6) The timeline will be 3 years to achieve the specific target and goals because the first year will be for the establishment and introduction of agency and second year for customer acquisition, market promotion and business growth. Finally third year for achieving the targeted market, turning unit in the profit and achieving maximum growth and turnover.

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