
In: Psychology

Please translate from Latin to English: Olim erant tres socii qui peregrinabantur. Ita accidit ut cibum...

Please translate from Latin to English:

Olim erant tres socii qui peregrinabantur. Ita accidit ut cibum praeter unum panem invenire non possent. Itaque, [coom] essent valde famelici, invicem dixerunt: "Si ille panis in tres partes dividatur, uni quique tertia pars non sufficiat ad nos saturandos. Capiamus ergo sanum consilium quomodo debeamus panem distribuere."

Ait unus: "Hic in via dormiamus, et quilibet mirabilissimum somnium habuerit, ille totum panem habeat."

Responderunt alii: "Bonum est consilium." Et coeperunt dormire. At ille qui consilium dederat surrexit et, [coom] alii dormirent, panem omnino comedit, nec unicam micam solicis suis reliquit. Hoc facto, socios suos excitavit, dicen: "Surgite velociter! Nunc somnium cuique narrandum est."

Ait primus: "Carissimi, mirabile somnium vidi, scilicet scalam auream de caelo pendentem, per quam angeli descendebant et ascendebant; et animam meam usque ad caelum de corpore meo extraxerunt. Quando eo perveni, Patrem et Filium et Spiritum Sanctum vidi, et tantum gaudium circa animam meam erat ut neque oculus videre, neque auris audire posset quod ibidem percepi; circa animam meam erat ut neque oculus videre, neque auris audire posset quod ibidem percepi; tale equidem est somnium meum."

Ait secnudus: "Et ego vidi daemones [coom] instrumentis ferreis igneisque animam meam de corpore meo extrahere. Me autem male tractabant, dicentes: 'Quamidiu deus regnat in caelo, permanebis in hoc loco.'"

Ait tertius: "Audite somnium meum! Videbatur mihi quendam angelum ad me venietem dicere: 'Carissime, nonne vis videre quibus in locis sint socii tui?'

"Respondi: Etiam, domine; quia unus panis nobis distribuendus est, timeo ne [coom] pane recesserint."

"At ille: 'Non est ita; sed panis iuxta te est; sequere me.' Duxit me ad portam caeli. Tum caput meum secundum praeceptum eius infra portam posui; subinde te vidi; mihi vero videbatur te ad caelum raptum esse et sedere in throno sureo et multum cibum vinaque optima esse ante te.

"Mihi dixit angelus: 'Ecce, socius tuus abundat omni gaudio et cibo, et ibidem aeternum permanebit, quia, qui semel regnum caeleste intraverit, exire non npoterit. Mecum veni, et tibi ostendam quo in loco alter socius tuus sit.'

"[coom] vero secutus illum essem, duxit me ad inferni portas, et ibi te vidi, sicut dixisti, afflictum poenis gravissimis, et tibi non licebat cinum edere. Tunc tibi dixit: "O carissime soci, mihi displicet te in his poenis iacere.'

"Tu vero mihi respondisti, 'Quamdiu deus regnat in caelo, hic permanebo, quia hoc merui. Surge ergo cito, totu, panem comede, quia rursus nec me nec socium nostrum videbis'

"Ego vero [coom] hoc audivissem surrexi et, ut mihi imperaveras, panem comedi."


Expert Solution

Answer . Once they were there, three friends are engaged in during their wanderings. They could not find the same thing happens to people as they eat bread, except for one. So, [coom] were very hungry, each said: "If bread was divided into three parts, one third party who is not satisfying enough for us. Let us therefore well advised how to distribute the bread." And he said, should be one: "At this point in the way we sleep, we dream, and each one had the most wonderful of all, he may have, all the bread." Others answered: "Good advice." He began to sleep. But the one who had given the counsel he arose, and, [coom] Others said that they lay down, and did eat bread at all, not even an only contain one particle of solico to his friends. This resolution, awakened her companions, saying, "Get up quickly now own cases is a dream." The first "irreversible amazing dream of a golden ladder from the sky hanging, on which the angels descend and climb, and my soul to the sky with my body pulled out. When it reached the Father, the Son and the Holy saw, and so much joy circa animam meam erat ut neque oculus videre, neque auris audire posset quod ibidem percepi; circa animam meam erat ut neque oculus videre, neque auris audire posset quod ibidem percepi; tale equidem est somnium meum." Said secnudus: "I saw demons [coom] media irons igneisque my soul out of my body pulling. I was badly treated by saying: Quamidiu God reigns in the sky will remain in place. '' Said a third," Listen to my dream? It seemed to me an angel come to me saying: 'Dear, did you want to see the place where they are your friends?' "The answer was yes, sir; One of bread for us to be distributed, I feel that [coom] pane have gone back. "" But he is not so; But the bread is near you; follow me.' Led me to the gate of heaven. Then, the gate of my head, I have laid, according to his command or below; once you've seen however, seemed to have caught up to the sky and make sure the seat and a lot of food, wine, the best of you. "The angel said, 'Look, every member will have joy and abundant food, and a place for a long time, since that time the celestial goes out there npoterit. Come with me, and I will show you a place where one member will be." "[Coom] is to be followed, led me to the gates of hell, where I saw, as you said, afflicted with the most severe penalties, and you are not allowed to eat hornblowers. Then I said: "Oh dear spouse, I do not like to throw these penalties." "But I replied, 'As long as the rules in the sky, this will continue, because we deserved. Rise so quickly, all, bread, because, again, but I do not see our partner, "" I, [coom] got up and I heard that my command, I have eaten bread. "

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