
In: Computer Science

This program is used to split the input based on the delimiter. Change the code below...

This program is used to split the input based on the delimiter. Change the code below so that the parse function should return an array that contains each piece of the word. For example, the input to the function would be something like 'aa:bbbA:c,' which would be a char *. The function's output would then be a char ** where each element in the array is a char *. For this example, it would return some result where result[0] = 'aa', result[1] = 'bbbA', and result [2] = 'c'. So instead of doing the printing in the parse func, return each piece of the word, pass it to the main function, then do the printing in the main

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

void parsefunc (char, char*);
int string_length (char*);
char* my_strncpy (char*, const char*, unsigned int);

//Main Fucntion
int main(int argc, char *argv[] ) {

   if(argc == 1 || argc == 2){
       printf("Not enough arguments, please enter three agruments with program name, delimiter and text! \n");
   parsefunc(*argv[1], argv[2]);


//This function is used to splip up the string and print the results
void parsefunc(char delimeter, char *input){
int count = 0;
int current = 0;
int length = strlen(input);

   //Loop through the string
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++){
       //Check for delimiter
if(input[i] == delimeter){
char* tempString = malloc(sizeof(char) * (count + 1));
strncpy(tempString, input+current, count);

           tempString[count+1] = '\0';
//printf("%d\n", current);
current += count+1;
printf("%s Length %d\n", tempString, count);
count = 0;

       //Check for delimiter
       else if(input[i+1] == '\0'){
char* tempString = malloc(sizeof(char) * (count + 1));
strncpy(tempString, input+current, count+1);

           tempString[count+1] = '\0';
//printf("%d\n", current);
current += count+1;
printf("%s Length %d\n", tempString, count+1);



Expert Solution

Please look at my code and in case of indentation issues check the screenshots.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

char ** parsefunc(char, char *, int *);
int string_length(char*);
char *my_strncpy(char *, const char *, unsigned int);

//Main Fucntion
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

   if (argc == 1 || argc == 2)
       printf("Not enough arguments, please enter three agruments with program name, delimiter and text! \n");
       int result_size;   //this variable will store the size of the result array
       char **result = parsefunc(*argv[1], argv[2], &result_size);   //splits and returns char **
       int i = 0;
       for(i = 0; i < result_size; i++){   //print the strings of results array
           printf("String: \"%s\" Length: %d\n", result[i], (int)strlen(result[i]));

//This function is used to split up the string and print the results
//The function's output would then be a char ** where each element in the array is a char *.

char ** parsefunc(char delimeter, char *input, int *result_size)
   int count = 0;
   int current = 0;
   int length = strlen(input);

   int delimeter_count = 0;   //count the number of time delimeter occurred, so that you know how many pointers char* are required
   for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
       if (input[i] == delimeter)

   char **result = malloc(sizeof(char *) * (delimeter_count + 1));   //allocate space for total (delimeter_count + 1) of char * pointers

   int result_index = 0;   //this variable will track the index where the new element is to be inserted in result array
   //Loop through the string
   for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
       //Check for delimiter
       if (input[i] == delimeter)

           char *tempString = malloc(sizeof(char) *(count + 1));
           strncpy(tempString, input + current, count);

           tempString[count + 1] = '\0';
           //printf("%d\n", current);
           current += count + 1;
           //printf("%s Length %d\n", tempString, count);
           count = 0;
           //free(tempString);           //do not free because we will be using same memory and store its pointer in result array
           result[result_index++] = tempString;    //store the pointer to the tempString in result array
       //Check for delimiter
       else if (input[i + 1] == '\0')
           char *tempString = malloc(sizeof(char) *(count + 1));
           strncpy(tempString, input + current, count + 1);

           tempString[count + 1] = '\0';       
           //printf("%d\n", current);
           current += count + 1;
           //printf("%s Length %d\n", tempString, count + 1);
           result[result_index++] = tempString;    //store the pointer to the tempString in result array
   *result_size = result_index;   //write the size of result arn tray
   return result;                    //return the char **



-----------------Updated code--------------

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

char ** parsefunc(char, char *);
int string_length(char*);
char *my_strncpy(char *, const char *, unsigned int);

//Main Fucntion
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   if (argc == 1 || argc == 2)
       printf("Not enough arguments, please enter three agruments with program name, delimiter and text! \n");
       char **result = parsefunc(*argv[1], argv[2]);   //splits and returns char **
       int i = 0;
       while(result[i]){           //print the strings of results array
           printf("String: \"%s\" Length: %d\n", result[i], (int)strlen(result[i]));

//This function is used to split up the string and print the results
//The function's output would then be a char ** where each element in the array is a char *.
char ** parsefunc(char delimeter, char *input)
   int count = 0;
   int current = 0;
   int length = strlen(input);
   int i = 0;
   int delimeter_count = 0;   //count the number of time delimeter occurred, so that you know how many pointers char* are required
   for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
       if (input[i] == delimeter)
   printf("%d\n", delimeter_count);

   char **result = malloc(sizeof(char *) * (delimeter_count + 2));   //allocate space for total (delimeter_count + 2) of char * pointers
   for(i = 0; i < delimeter_count+2; i++)
       result[i] = NULL;

   int result_index = 0;   //this variable will track the index where the new element is to be inserted in result array
   //Loop through the string
   for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
       //Check for delimiter
       if (input[i] == delimeter)

           char *tempString = malloc(sizeof(char) *(count + 1));
           strncpy(tempString, input + current, count);

           tempString[count + 1] = '\0';
           //printf("%d\n", current);
           current += count + 1;
           //printf("%s Length %d\n", tempString, count);
           count = 0;
           //free(tempString);           //do not free because we will be using same memory and store its pointer in result array
           result[result_index++] = tempString;    //store the pointer to the tempString in result array
       //Check for delimiter
       else if (input[i + 1] == '\0')
           char *tempString = malloc(sizeof(char) *(count + 1));
           strncpy(tempString, input + current, count + 1);

           tempString[count + 1] = '\0';       
           //printf("%d\n", current);
           current += count + 1;
           //printf("%s Length %d\n", tempString, count + 1);
           result[result_index++] = tempString;    //store the pointer to the tempString in result array
   return result;                    //return the char **


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