
In: Computer Science

Design an algorithm that will read an array of 200 characters and display to the screen...

Design an algorithm that will read an array of 200 characters and display to the screen a count of the occurrences of each of the five vowels (a, e, i, o, u) in the array. Your string is: The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog

That is the question for my pseudo code question, I don't know if I have this correct can i have someone look this over and finish this and explain what i needed to add and or what i needed to change! Thank you.

Array Processing Challenge

MODULE Array_processing_challenge

Set total_a, total_e, total_i, total_o, total_u to zero

DO loop_index = 1 TO 200

IF characters (loop_index) = "a" or "A" THEN
add 1 total_a
IF characters (loop_index) = "e" or "E" THEN
add 1 total_e
IF characters (loop_index) = "i" or "I" THEN
add 1 total_i
IF characters (loop_index) = "o" or "O" THEN
add 1 total_o
IF characters(loop_index) = "u" or "U" THEN
add 1 total_a


Print "Total occurrences of a: ", total_a
Print "Total occurrences of a: ", total_e
Print "Total occurrences of a: ", total_i
Print "Total occurrences of a: ", total_o
Print "Total occurrences of a: ", total_u

END Array_processing_challenge


Expert Solution

Solution :

In your psedo code there are 2 mistakes

1. Iterate the loop till the length of the array not to 200 ( Because if your array contain only 50 characters then there is wastaage of time and memory for that by iterating it to 200 times)

2. Inside the loop you have to increment the value of loop_index  so that it will point to next character in the array so add (loop_index =loop_index+1 inside do loop ). If you don't increment the value of loop_index then every time your program check condition for the first character only.

Algorithm :

Below is the coreect algorithm for processing the array

Array_processing( a){

total_a=0, total_e=0, total_i=0, total_o=0, total_u =0

//initializing index value to zero


len=sizeOf(a) //using the length of the array for the number of iteration

while(index<len) //we have to iterate till the length of the array


if(charAt(index)=='a' or charAt(index)=='A')



//closing the if 'a' condition


else if(charAt(index)=='e' or charAt(index)=='E')



//closing the if 'e' condition


else if(charAt(index)=='i' or charAt(index)=='I')

//closing the if 'i condition




else if(charAt(index)=='O' or charAt(index)=='O')



//closing the if 'o' condition


else if(charAt(index)=='U' or charAt(index)=='U')



//closing the if 'u' condition


index=index+1; //incrementing the value of index each time till we iterate


} //end of while loop

Print "Total occurrences of a: ", total_a
Print "Total occurrences of a: ", total_e
Print "Total occurrences of a: ", total_i
Print "Total occurrences of a: ", total_o
Print "Total occurrences of a: ", total_u

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