
In: Computer Science

Ruby programming Create a Ruby program which reads numbers, deposits them into an array and then...

Ruby programming

Create a Ruby program which reads numbers, deposits them into an array and then calculates the arithmetic mean (otherwise known as the average), the median (that is, the number that splits the set of value in half with half being above and half being below the number), and the standard deviation (that is, the average of distance each number is from the mean then squared). Further information about these calculations can be found here:

(add up all the numbers in the set and divide that total by the quantity of values in the set)

(for a set that holds an odd number of values, sort the numbers in the set and then take the value in the middle of the set. for a set that holds an even number of values, sort the numbers in the set and find the average of the two values in the middle of the set).

standard deviation:
(find the average of the set. for each value in the set, calculate the difference between each value and the average. square each of these difference. find the average of these squared differences. take the square root of this average).


Hint : In order to have Ruby calculate the square root of a numeric value named i, please say squareRootOfI = Math::sqrt( i )

A number of different program dialogues describe the program I am looking for.

Math Calculator
[N]umbers [A]verage [M]edian [S]tandard Deviation [C]lear [Q]uit: N
2 4 4 4 5 5 7 9
[N]umbers [A]verage [M]edian [S]tandard Deviation [C]lear [Q]uit: A
Average = 5.0
[N]umbers [A]verage [M]edian [S]tandard Deviation [C]lear [Q]uit: M
Median = 4.5
N]umbers [A]verage [M]edian [S]tandard Deviation [C]lear [Q]uit: S
Standard Deviation = 2.0
[N]umbers [A]verage [M]edian [S]tandard Deviation [C]lear [Q]uit: C
[N]umbers [A]verage [M]edian [S]tandard Deviation [C]lear [Q]uit: N
4 4 4 6

[N]umbers [A]verage [M]edian [S]tandard Deviation [C]lear [Q]uit: N
6 3 1

[N]umbers [A]verage [M]edian [S]tandard Deviation [C]lear [Q]uit: A
Average = 4.0
[N]umbers [A]verage [M]edian [S]tandard Deviation [C]lear [Q]uit: M
Median = 4
[N]umbers [A]verage [M]edian [S]tandard Deviation [C]lear [Q]uit: S
Standard Deviation = 1.603
[N]umbers [A]verage [M]edian [S]tandard Deviation [C]lear [Q]uit: Q


Expert Solution

Working code implemented in Ruby and appropriate comments provided for better understanding.

Source Code for Math_Calculator.rb:

STDOUT.sync = true
#squareRootOfI = Math::sqrt( i )

class Math_Calculator

def prompt
puts "[N]umbers [A]verage [M]edian [S]tandard Deviation [C]lear [Q]uit:"

def testing(inputs)
case inputs
when "N" then inn
when "M" then median
when "A" then average
when "S" then deviation
when "C" then cleared
when "Q" then quit

def inn
@arr_inputs = gets.chomp
input = @arr_inputs.split(" ").map(&:to_i)
@avrg = (input.inject(:+)/(input.size).to_f)
input += {@arr_inputs}
testing @arr_inputs

def median
medi = @arr_inputs.split(" ").map(&:to_i)
medium = medi.sort
medisize = medium.size
if medisize.even?
eve = (medisize) / 2
puts eve
@median = ((medium[eve-1] + medium[eve]) / 2.0)
odd = ((medisize/2).to_i)
puts odd
@median = medium[odd]
puts "The median is: #{@median}"

def average
puts "The average is: #{@avrg}"

def deviation
dev = @arr_inputs.split(" ").map(&:to_i);
sum = 0
i = 0
while i < dev.size
sum += (dev[i] - @avrg)**2
i += 1
squareRootOfI = Math::sqrt(sum/(dev.size))
puts "Standard Deviation: #{squareRootOfI}"

def cleared
@arr_inputs = []

def quit
@arr_inputs = []

def quit

calcu =

Code Screenshots:

Sample Output Screenshots:

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