The following are the main
goals of monetary policy:
- Managing inflation - In laymen terms,
Inflation means too much money chasing few goods. so in order to
control the inflation level, the first and formost action adopted
by the Central Bank is to control the flow of money to market. When
bank rate is increased along with the reduction in the availability
of credit facilities, dear money policy is adopted to wipe off the
excess demand and thereby control inflation.(vice versa is also
applicable in case of deflation)
- Satabilizing employment levels - In case of
defecit demand unwanted stocks tends to buid up. this will force
producers to plan lesser production utlimately leading to a cut in
planned Aggreate Supply (AS). This reduction in the level of
planned out put will reduce the employment and the level of income;
the economy is now caught in low level equilbrium trap. The
moniteray policy helps in rectfying this sitaution.
- Controlling long term interest rates - Bank
rate is the rate at which the central bank lends money to the
Commercial Banks - in case of excess demand, it is raised and
lowered in case of defict demand.
Tools for Controlling
Monitery Policy
- Open Market Operations - The Central bank
buys securities during defict demand and sell them in opposite
- CRR - Cash Reserve Ratio - is the ratio
between Cash Resrves of the Commercial Bank with the Central bank
against its total Deposists that is to be lowered during deficiency
of demand and the benchmark is incrased when the demand exceeds to
usual rates.
- SLR - Satutoury Liquidatory Ratio - This
is the ratio between Liquid Assets and the Total Assets of the
Commercial Bank. (raised during excess demand and vice
- Margin requirement - It is the minimum
downpayment that the borrowers are to make as percentage of their
total borrowings from the Commercial Banks ( raised during excess
demand and vice versa)