In: Biology
10. What environmental factor contributes most to endangering animals in marine environments? Why do gut parasites increase in human populations in Africa when lion populations dwindle? How many General Shermans would it take to offset one day’s worth of gasoline usage in the US? Why will the lack of carbon output not last after quarantine ends? What are the most realistically effective means of conservation?
environmental factor contributes most to endangering animals in marine environments involves climate change contributing to temperature fluctuations and global warming, ocean currents which can change oxygen level and also disturb food chain, chemical change in the ecosystem due to human interventions, bioaccumultion that is the contamination of marine environment by the accumulation of substances like lead or mercury etc.
Change in any part of the food chain can cause immense and complicated effects on the other part of the food web. The When lio population had dwindled who are the predators of baboons, the population of olive baboons increased and they altered their behavior patterns and came in increase contact with nearby humans. This contact led rise in intestinal parasites in both people and the baboons.
US consumes 384.7 gallons of gasolene in a day, that is approx 1457348 metric ton. A general sherman can store 392.4 metric tonnes of carbon by processing approx 109 metric tonnes of CO2, thus to process only the Carbondioxide there will be a requirement of 13,370 German Sherman trees.
The coronavirus quarantine has halted all the industrial processes of preoduction, use of fuel for transportation and other activities. This has affected the economy and has brought a massive downfall. After the quarantine period is over there will be extra efforts put to bring back the economic position and to cover the loss by industries all over the world. Thus emission of carbon from all manufacturing factories, and other day to day activities is inevitable.
Some applicable conservation methods which can be implemented are :
1.The growing needs of society should be harmonised with nature with the help of comprehensive govt policies,protection, preservation and restoration laws.
2.There should be a stable orientation towards a a gradual decrease in environmental pollution all over the world and by every human being.
3.The welfare of the population affected by the negative impact of pollution should be taken care of side by side .
4.To bring changes in a particular are there should be understanding of all social layers of the area . Understanding how to maintain the standard of living sustainably.
5.Cooperation with neighboring States is a very important factor to reduce catastrophic natural phenomena.
6.Approval of the regional community should be made essential for large scale events related to the transformation of the environment.