In: Civil Engineering
1) Select the lightest section to support a axial load (DL=700
kips y LL= 300 kips). The
element is braced, so LX= 22 ft and LY= 12 ft. The end support
conditions are:
a) (Fixed/pinned) and it is specified to use A572 gr. 60. (verify
slenderness and
local buckling)
b) (Fixed/Fixed) and you must use A-36
For A-572 grade 60
Fy =60 ksi
Limiting KL/r = 104 (table below curve E-1 in AISC steel manual V 14)
For A-36 steel
Fy = 36 ksi
Limiting KL/r = 134 (table below curve E-1 in AISC steel manual V 14)
AISC Specification Commentary Table C-A-7.1
k= 0.7 (fixed/pinned)
K= 0.5 for (fixed/fixed)
By Lfrd
Pu = 1.2(700)+1.6(300)= 1320 kips
From AISC Manual Table 1-1, the geometric properties are as follows:
W14×90 Ag = 26.5 in.2
rx = 6.14 in.
ry = 3.70 in
For A)
KLx/rx = 0.7*22/6.14*12=30 (governs)
KLy/ry = 0.7*12/3.7*12=27.24
The available critical stresses may be interpolated from AISC
Manual Table 4-22 or calculated directly as follows: Calculate the
elastic critical buckling stress,
Fe= 317.69 ksi
Fcr = 55.43 ksi
Pn = Fcr * Ag = 55.43*26.5 = 1469 ksi
Similarly part B) can be solved but Fy= 36 and k= 0.5