In: Economics
Fair trade means an agreement set up to help producer in developing countries such a way so that they can achieve good trading.This is basically set up higher price to exporter while following social and environmental standard.
Goal of fair trade -
Its basic aim is to protecting human rights .Protection can be done by way of providing social justice and giving them good environmental and economic security.Its promote living standard of producers by helping for improving market access.This is also helpful for promoting development opportunity for those who is needy.Its increases awareness towards consumers for knowing about the purchasing power.It enhance transparency .This enhance international trade .
As we see commodity market seem to be in continual decline hence fair trade member can add higher prices to export and tried to improved economic standard.They can promote greater equility and transparency in the market so that their price will no go down or go up unnecessary.It can secure the rights of producer by way of doing sustainable development and by way of giving better trade condition .