
In: Economics

Discuss the possible impact of Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) from the following stalkholders. Framework A. Individuals...

Discuss the possible impact of Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) from the following stalkholders. Framework A. Individuals B. The public C. Healthcare professionals D. Federal and state governments E. Managed care and traditional insurance companies F. Employers H. Healthcare industries the pharmaceutical industry


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Obama care Act (Affordable Act ) helps the people who qualify health insuarence coverage to reduce the cost. Under the provisions of that it also includes premium tax credit , low cost for low income groups . Affordable Act was indroduced by the president Barack Obama in march 2010. It gives a provision requiring all Americans to have health insuarence coverage either from ACA , Employer or from any other sources . It has it impact on many sections of society. there were many attempts from the part of government since 2017 to repel the law were not successful. Congress in december 2017 removed the penality for not having health insuarence .


Affordable care act has possibility to have  impact on every individuals in society. The purchases of health insuarence policies has increased rapidly in America. The Americans including youth were required to have coverage from January 1-2014 otherwise there imposed penality. The coverage extends upto the age of 26 for young adults. it healp all people in different of their financial status to have an insuarence coverage . Besides young people we can see a great impact to women under the provisions of act. Earlier they were denied for policy in the period of p[regnency . But now the act gives them coverage at the time of pregnency also. for individuals the act enhances the public in every sector to utilise the benefits of insurance policies and all clinical pocibilities due to the reduced cost and effective implementation of the act. Public practices such as childhood vaccinations regular check ups are promoted in evry sector irrespective of thier wages. Piblic health services easily reach out to more people than earlier. the services and profram by the govt on other health organisations such as maternal enquiries child vaccinations , visiting of adult patints at home and many more will be made available to the common people efficiently. it also increase the clinical services offred by the public health departments at lower sectors.


In U.S the affordable act is a watershed in public health. The law result in health cooverage for about 94 % of polpulation in America . Through the series of provisions that create premium and cost sharing subcidies , established new rules in the industry of health insuarence and create a new market for health insuarence purchasing . the act establishes basic leagal protections and guarentee the acess to afordable health insuarence coverage from the birth to retirement . publics health become more secured with policies. The principle goal of the ACA is to improve the acees to the traditional health care system via expansion of affrodable health insuarence options . ACA also directly influences public health through the creation of the prev3ention act public health fund , the nation first mandatory funding for public healthand first national prevention stratewrgy.


The act ha sgreater impact on health workers . The act shifted the focus in medical care from quantity to quality. A systematic literature serch on leadership skillls for physicians resulted in 26 papers. the analysis was used to categorize the data in each paper implementation of affordable act . Team work , team building , self awareeness skills, communication are most often. heath care workers at all level should strive to work as a team to provide tyhe best quality care at all stages of patient care. quality of treatment will improve. the first pay for performance initiative was medicare physicians group practice demonsration running for 3 years from 2005-2008. These changes have a spurred demand for physician leaders. a CXO is primarily focus on patient satifaction . Furthermore survey found that 63% of CEO wrer seeking to recruit health care workers with right skills at to become leaders .


Obama act affected the fedral and state goverments to a great extent. Implementing insuarence reforms and preparing for an expansion of medicade . State reports ar ebeing produced on the rolling basis and that will be posted there. . There are mainly 3 b arriers expierienced from the report during 2014 ibn market places. T he obama act increases the capability of market place coverages this reduces the complexity of challenges for the enrollment ans state options to less consumer cost. M ostly the main problem is for adults to visit a health insurance company to take a policy and it unaffordability of prices. It was greatly influenced by the eact to overcome this problem. Efficient analysation of insurance is possible through the act.


It is obama act requires health plans to cover cancer screenings immunisations and other exceptional cases for other policies. It can be explained as a fully covered health plan. It compeles insurance to invest in insurere scale. According to th act younger once can be remains or continue on thier parents health plan until the age of 26. Thus it significantly changed the pre excisted conditions for a health plan,. According to the act it cannot be established a lifelong limit on benefits of policy for insurers ,and cannot draw the insurance plan after and individual report claims unless fraud , mishabit etc. the act also explains a full cover insurance for every individual without any out of pocket cost. it also credits tax upto 35% for small busineses for assuring health insurance coverage for the employees of the respected companies.


ACA greatly have its impact on employer according to the conditions of act. According to the act in ensures tax reduction for individual industries or companies as they provide better health 8insurance coverege for their employees at low cost. it attracts many companies to ensure the insurance coverage which in effect helps a large group of enployers in different sectors. Earlier they was only less than 5% of organisations providing insurance coverage which have a public image. In effect of the act even small companies came to ensure the coverage due tax credits. Mny employees realised they have improved medicare through revised law. Employers are shifting more cost to employees and higher deductables. most of changesis due to higher cost of health care plans existed earlier. employees are given more oppurtunities o thier improvement under obama act. they are also provided with policies for health coverege. the common people get attracted to small scale jobs irrespective of salaray due to the health insurance coverege.


Impact made by affordable act in health care sector and pharmaceutics was unpredictable. Act make major changes due to the reduced drug cost and prescription drug benefit for many and increasing rebate and cost for other industries. It had effected the profit of pharmaceutical companies due to the reduction in drug cost they have altered thier trends in the busines according to the act. In addition the pre existing traditional pharmaceutical companies sufferd along with the bio technology industry. Th eprofit of the companies had hit by the economic slow down due to the obama act. Companies improved and reorientd their reserch in variou bio tchnology field and pharmaceutical fields to seek and find better medicines which offer flexibility in pricing for various counter diseaces including cancer and other severe diseaces for which thier exist a higher treatment cost. thus research becomes more efficient and efective inorder to reduce the treatment cost. it enhances better study and development of reseach ield ultimately the industries of the country. Thus it may changes the focus of health care industries from making profit to the effective and cost reduced treatment to commin people. every sector of a society will be benefited.

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