
In: Economics

Sandersen Meat Processors has asked its lead process engineer to evaluate two different types of conveyors...

Sandersen Meat Processors has asked its lead process engineer to evaluate two different types of conveyors for the beef cutting line. Type A has an initial cost of $90196 and a life of 4 years. Type B has an initial cost of $ 192418 and a life expectancy of 5 years. The annual operating cost (AOC) for type A is expected to be $ 9459, while the AOC for type B is expected to be $7180. If the salvage values are $7320,6 and $5069 for type A and type B, respectively, Use present worth analysis to select the better method. Assume that i= 10% per year.


Expert Solution

Let us write down the given data


Type A

Type B

Initial cost






Salvage Value




4 years

5 years

Interest (i)



For present worth analysis we need to use repeated projects method or LCM method

Type A

Present worth of cost = 90196 + 90196(P/F,10,4) + 90196(P/F,10,8) + 90196(P/F,10,12) + 90196(P/F,10,16) + 9459(P/A,10,20) – [7320(P/F,10,4) + 7320 (P/F,10,8) + 7320 (P/F,10,12) + 7320 (P/F,10,16) + 7320 (P/F,10,20)]

Using DCIF tables

Present worth of cost = 90196 + 90196(0.6830) + 90196(0.4665) + 90196(0.3186) + 90196(0.2176) + 9459(8.514) – (7320(0.6830) + 7320 (0.4665) + 7320 (0.3186) + 7320 (0.2176) + 7320 (0.1486))

Present worth of cost = $309346.25

Type A

Present worth of cost = 192418 + 192418(P/F,10,5) + 192418(P/F,10,10) +192418(P/F,10,15) + 7180(P/A,10,20) – [5069(P/F,10,5) + 5069(P/F,10,10) + 5069(P/F,10,15) + 5069(P/F,10,20)

Using DCIF tables

Present worth of cost = 192418 + 192418(0.6209) + 192418(0.3855) +192418(0.2394) + 7180(8.514) – (5069(0.6209) + 5069(0.3855) + 5069(0.2394) + 5069(0.1486))

Present worth of cost = $486194.65

Since the Present worth of cost for Type A is less the same may be selected

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