
In: Operations Management

Activity 5 In a short paragraph for each, answer the questions. 1. Have you ever participated...

Activity 5

In a short paragraph for each, answer the questions.

1. Have you ever participated in a training program which has enthused you and helped you develop ideas for increasing productivity and/or building better relationships in the workplace?

2. What happened when you tried to put these ideas into practice at work? Did you meet so many obstacles that you just gave up? Why do you think this happens? How does it make you feel?

3. Reflect on an organisation that you are familiar with. Do the procedures of this organisation help or hinder the learning and development of individuals? Why?

Activity 10

1Some individuals choose not to share their experience and knowledge for a variety of reasons. Describe what these reasons might be and what could help to negate them. Comment on the place of such people in learning organisations.

3. You and your team of 15 people have been asked to take on board a project to decrease the carbon footprint of your organisation. The CEO has given you two months to come up with a workable plan that will see operations in all states take practical steps to being more environmentally friendly—they want the whole organisation’s culture changed so that each employee is an environmental guardian. Nothing is to be considered as untouchable.

Such a project has never been attempted across the whole organisation before, but you know that a few people in various divisions have done mini projects relating to their own operations.

How will you lead your team in deciding what should be in the plan? What sort of networks will you set in place to facilitate your team’s learning and then the organisation as a whole as it implements the plan?


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Activity 5

1. Training procedures :

* the main motto of any training procedures is to make an employee familiar with the work procedures / software used.

* the theoritical and practical world of knowledge differs in any kind of specialisation / profession. Thus training procedures helps filling a knowledge gap between employees and institutions work nature.

* the training given for say 3 months / 45 days as per requirement of fastness to employees in daily work / efficiency required in performance of tasks decides the duration.

* what ever the kind of co you are appointed with whether financial / software sector , a procedure of adaptability and discipline inculcates in youre work style.

* it also helps you to associate with co - trainees and training expert in a formal and habitual manner such that further association of such trainees as your collegues will enhance youre comfort level in the working field.

2. * during the process of training , many examples relating to various situations that are encountered are brought to trainee ' s notice.

* thus while the time of implementing various tasks given during employment adoption of various such situational examples easens tasks.

* however it is not neccessary that your training solutions will defenately solve each and every problem / situation you phase at work field. So what is required do then ?? / sometimes it is even possible that youre training procedures doesnot work for you. What about then ??

* first of all verify if you have done procedures / steps correctly in solving youre task.

* if they are actually related to youre training / not.

* if related then look at the stuff where you documented youre training experience / even ask support from youre co trainees.

* if they are not related to training , then seek help of experienced person from your team. / head of team to know the procedures.

* but if it is youre own mistake in performing procedures , inform the next procedural person what mistale you have done and how to rectify it wisely such that it creates minimal damage / even no damage.

* never give up until you find out solution attitude is required in any kind of working environment to achieve progress.

3. Organisation XYZ dealing in online marketing :

* the work nature here includes accumulation of variois products from varieties of dealers whether in physical form / virtual form.

* the one in physical form will be directed to customers from companies maintained stores. And once in virtual form will be directed by dealers to company distribution centres and from there on to customers.

* training aspects for this organisation includes to know the basic procedural aspects of its work nature viz : whether it work on product based delivery / customer based delivery.

Eg : amazon - product based delivery

Club factory - customer based delivery.

* on obtaining knowledge in the root procedure of organisations functions training starts. It includes employees of matketing dept / customer service department / distribution department / promoting department.

* that portion of work done by specific sector of employees will be trained.

Marketing dept - includes MBA qualified persons under marketing specialisations. Thus ,

current marketing procedures of co.

Other marketing strategies company in need of.

Things to be adopted while functioning companies marketing strategies etc...

Are the kind of aspects which a employee is trained.

* these kind of trainings

Familiarise his theoritical knowledge into practical aspects of companies working.

Easy and fast functioning after entering workplace because he / she hasbeen trained on consistent working.

Activity 10 :

* work fields always include large number of people with various natures. So its often possible to find people who doesnot feel like sharing their experience with co workers.

* possible reasons may be :

Since he is included in sensitive decision making aspects of companies such that its required to maintain secracy.

Top level managemdnt decisions will be based on various psenarios. So a person who acts in mediation to top level management and functional level employees is not advised to carry info from one area to other

In the situations of huge competitive environment among co - workers any technique found by single employee which is helping him reach his targets earlier remains silent on that technique with others.

* in earlier 2 cases it is neccessity to maintain secrecy. But in last case it is to be observed by team head if any specific employee is alone performing well , then it is head / team leader responsibility to let every team member understand to work collectively and support one another which inturns improve team performance and facilitates for company progress

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