
In: Computer Science

I know the code isn't here nut please answer as much as you can thanks! it...

I know the code isn't here nut please answer as much as you can thanks!

it is qt creator c++

Question 1

Which of the following is a correct description of ItemList ?

  1. It is a QMap and thus an ItemList object is a QMap itself
  2. It has a QMap, which cannot be accessed outside this class
  3. ItemList uses a heap QMap object
  4. QMap used by ItemList uses Item pointers as keys

Question 2

Which of the following is true about the menu option, Open?

  1. It is only available before the user has entered items manually using Add/A icon
  2. It is only available after the user has entered items manually using Add/A icon
  3. It is available before and after the user has entered items manually
  4. It is no longer available after the user has saved the data in a file

Question 3

What is meant by separating model and view?

  1. Model handles data and view handles how the model is displayed on the screen
  2. View handles data and model may handle how the data is displayed on the screen
  3. Both model and data can handle data/model/logic of the application
  4. Both model and data can handle the data representation on the screen

Question 4

In the given project, how do the view classes access the data in the model classes?

  1. Via inheritance between view and model classes
  2. Via signals and slots
  3. View objects invoke functions on model objects
  4. Model classes are composed of view classes

Question 5

Which of the following is a view class in the given project?

  1. Item
  2. itemList
  3. ItemReader
  4. ItemDialog

Question 6

Why is QActionGroup used in this project?

  1. It is not possible to achieve the desired GUI functionality without QActionGroup
  2. Without it, we need 18 QAction objects
  3. It is necessary to display images on the GUI
  4. It allows grouping of QAction, which can be used to provide same actions in different controls of the GUI

Question 7

Which of the following is a model class in the given project?

  1. MyMainWindow
  2. ItemList
  3. ItemMap
  4. ItemDialog

Question 8

After making necessary changes so that the images appear on the window (as required for question 2) which of the following is correct after the images are displayed on the window?

  1. Each image appears once on the window
  2. Each image appears twice on two different control options on the window
  3. Each image appears thrice on three different control options on the window
  4. Each image appears in four on different control options on the window

Question 9

Which is the correct description of line 83 (*i=*j) in mymainwindow.cpp?

  1. I and j point to the same item object
  2. I and j point to the same heap memory location that has two different item objects
  3. I and j point to two different Item objects with different states
  4. I and j point to two different item objects with the same state

Question 10

Which of the following is incorrect about ItemDialog?

  1. It creates an instance of itself when adding and editing itself
  2. It creates an Item object when the user requests to add an item
  3. It creates an Item object when the user requests to change an item
  4. When the user requests to change, it uses a QInputDialog to get the bar code of the item that the user wants to change

Question 11

Which of the following is incorrect about the project?

  1. It manages a collection of Item objects
  2. It allows the user to read Items from a previous execution of the project
  3. It allows the user to save Items in a comma-separated format
  4. It allows the user to exit the program without saving data

Question 12

What does the icon R stand for?

  1. Read
  2. Retry
  3. Remove
  4. Revise

Question 13

When the user initiates the Save option, which of the following is correct?

  1. It results in a function being executed on an ItemList object, which in turn uses an object of ItemWriter to save
  2. It results in a function being executed on an ItemList object, which in turn uses an object of ItemReader to save
  3. It results in the direct execution of a function on an ItemWriter object
  4. It results in the direct execution of a function on an ItemReader object

Question 14

Assume that the user initiates Add option and fills in all the fields using the Add ItemDialog. How does the application handle the data entered by the user, if the bar code provided already exists?

  1. It ignores the users request
  2. It ignores the user request but warns the user
  3. It gives the user the option to change the bar code
  4. It allows the user to change the number of items in stock of the existing item

Question 15

Assume you need to implement a function named getDescription() in ItemList that accepts a bar code and returns the description of the item that matches the bar code. Which of the following is the correct implementation of a function getDescription()?

•    A. QString ItemList::getDescription(QString b) const{

return list.value(b)->description;



•    B. QString ItemList::getDescription(QString b) const{

return list.key(b)->description;



•    C. QString ItemList::getDescription(QString b) const{

return list.value(b)->getDescription();



•    D. QString ItemList::getDescription(QString b) const{

return list.key(b)->getDescription();

Question 16

Which of the following is incorrect about ItemReader?

•    A. ItemReader performs error checking of data read from the file  

•    B. It can only create Item objects  

•    C. It is designed to read the data of items from a file

•    D. It creates Item objects if the data is formatted in a specific format

Question 17

The output window should display images, which are included in the icons folder. What is needed to be done for the images to appear on the output window without making any changes to the given project?

  1. Copy all six images to the project folder
  2. Copy the icons folder to the build project folder
  3. Copy all six images to the project build folder
  4. Add the icons folder to the project as other files

Question 18

Which of the following is incorrect about isValidBarCode() of Item?

•    A. It can be invoked without an object of Item

•    B. It can be invoked on an object of Item  

•    C. It is invoked before a new item is added to the list of applications

•    D. It is designed to work with the bar code in its parameter

Question 19

What does the class Item represent?

•    A. It represents an expired item in a shop

•    B. It represents items in a shop

•    C. It represents transactions in a shop

•    D. It represents all items that are out of stock in a shop

Question 20

In some cases the main window displays the titles Barcode, Description, Stock and Price when there are no items loaded in the application. How can you ensure that these titles only appear if there are items loaded in the application?

•    A. Remove the following statement from mymainwindow.cpp:


arg("Barcode", 13).arg("Description", 20) .arg("Stock",5). arg("Price",8));


•    B. Move the line of code mentioned in option 1 into the last foreach statement in handleAction() of mymainwindow.cpp


•    C. Replace the line of code mentioned in option 1 by the following code:

if (iList.size() >= 1) {

textEdit-> textCursor(). insertText(QString("%1\t%2\t%3\t%4\n"). arg("Barcode", 13).arg("Description", 20). arg("Stock",5).arg("Price",8));



•    D. Replace the line of code mentioned in option 1 by the following code:

if (iList.toStringList().size() > 0) {


arg("Barcode", 13).arg("Description", 20). arg("Stock",5). arg("Price",8));



Expert Solution

SOLUTION-(1):- (B) It has a QMap, which cannot be accessed outside this class.

SOLUTION-(2):- (C) It is available before and after the user has entered items manually.

SOLUTION-(4):- (C) View objects invoke functions on model objects.

SOLUTION-(6):- (D) It allows grouping of QAction, which can be used to provide same actions in different controls of the GUI.

SOLUTION-(8):- (B) Each image appears twice on two different control options on the window.

SOLUTION-(9):- (D) I and j point to two different item objects with the same state.

SOLUTION-(10):- (D) When the user requests to change, it uses a QInputDialog to get the bar code of the item that the user wants to change.

SOLUTION-(11):- (C) It allows the user to save Items in a comma-separated format.

SOLUTION-(12):- (C) Remove

SOLUTION-(16):- (A) ItemReader performs error checking of data read from the file.   

SOLUTION-(17):- (B) Copy the icons folder to the build project folder.


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