In: Biology
Compare and contrast replication strategies of (-) ssRNA and ssRNA-RT viruses.
(-)ssRNA means negative sense single stranded RNA which is non translated form. It converts into (+)ssRNA for translating and to form new viral particles. So, (-)ssRNA virus injects its negative sense single stranded RNA into the host along with RNA replicase(RNA dependent RNA polymerase)of its own. With RNA replicase the negative sense coverts into positive sense. Thus with positive sense ssRNA using host ribosomes synthesis viral proteins. Which then assembles and release new negative sense ssRNA viruses.
While coming to the single stranded RNA reverse transcriptase viruses( ssRNA RT viruses) also called retroviruses. These viruses replicates using host machinary. Virus injects it's ssRNA into host cell then Reverse transcriptase enzyme if virus converts it into ssDNA. This DNA integrated into host DNA by viral integrase enzyme. Thus using host DNA transcription transcripts to form viral RNA which then translated and forms viral proteins. These proteins assembled to form new viral particles with ssRNA and Reverse transcriptase enzymes.