Key Management deals with the act of
managing the cryptographic keys. Here the word
managing refers to the act of
- creating the keys - refers to creating the key
for protecting the data,
- storing the keys - refers to storing the keys
in an encrypted format so that hackers are unable to access,
- sharing the keys - refers to giving the key to
the right person with right accessibility,
- using the keys - refers to using the keys
- destroying the keys - refers to destroying the
unnecessary keys so as to minimize the data breach,
- replacement of the keys - refers to the
regular replacement of the key to ensure more security.
The major challenge in Key Management are as follows:
- Sharing the key only with the correct and authorized
- Creating a key which is so complex that is very hard to break
by the hackers or third party people
- Managing the key storage in such a way that the hackers are not
able to access the keys which in turn results in the data
These are major challenges in Key
Management in order to ensure the safety of sensitive data from
hackers or third party people.