
In: Computer Science

Need to able to solve this method WITHOUT using ANY java libraries. ------------------------------ import java.util.Scanner; public...

Need to able to solve this method WITHOUT using ANY java libraries.


import java.util.Scanner;

public class nthroot {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
// Read n (for taking the nth root)
int num = Integer.parseInt(sc.nextLine());
// Read number to take the nth root of
int number = Integer.parseInt(sc.nextLine());
// Read the desired precision
int precision = Integer.parseInt(sc.nextLine());
// Print the answer
System.out.println(findnthRoot(number, num, precision));
private static String findnthRoot(int number, int num, int precision) {
//code here


Expert Solution


import java.util.Scanner;

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

// Read n (for taking the nth root)

int num = Integer.parseInt(sc.nextLine());

// Read number to take the nth root of

int number = Integer.parseInt(sc.nextLine());

// Read the desired precision

double precision = Double.parseDouble(sc.nextLine());

// Print the answer

System.out.println(findnthRoot(number, num, precision));


private static String findnthRoot(int number, int num, double precision) {

double guess = 1;

double delX = 2147483647;

Double currentX = 0.0;

// loop untill we reach desired accuracy

while (delX > precision)


// calculating current value from previous

// value by newton's method

currentX = ((num - 1.0) * guess +

(double)number / Math.pow(guess, num - 1)) / (double)num;

delX = (currentX - guess) < 0 ? -1 * (currentX - guess) : (currentX - guess);

guess = currentX;


return String.valueOf(currentX);



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